Chapter : Eight

1239 Words

Xavier's POV  Lunch finally came around and I met up with the fools I call my best friends... We all made our way to the canteen and got stopped from all the girls and some of the lads.  "Hey man, are you new here?" One guy asked walking up to us, giving us a bro hug  "Yeah we're new. I'm Xavier this is Jayden, Dex and Damien." I replied showing who I was talking about. They all responded with a chorus of "hey man".  "I'm Eli, this is my girlfriend Sophia, and this is our best mate Cleo" He pointed to the two girls stood next to him. "Why don't you guys sit with us today we have enough space to fit you guys with us." He said while the girl Cleo walked next to me and put her hands all over me.  "Nah it’s all good, we were just on our way outside" I said trying to push her hands of me a

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