Chapter : Six

950 Words
Elle's POV  It had been about a year since my mom died and my life turned upside down. At first, I would usually hear a voice in my head telling me it was going to alright, but it had stopped about 3 months ago. I knew she was still looking over me but lately, I was not so sure that she was. My daily routine had changed drastically, it was always get woken up by banging on the door from my father, brother or some of their friends who I grew up with. Then get a shower and get ready for school and then leave to get a lot of abuse of everyone from school as well. It got that bad that people who I did not even know would verbally abuse me in the streets. Everyone in my town hated me now.  My father had just come in my room and dragged me from the bed from my hair, with me letting out tiny sobs. He always told me to be quiet because I did not deserve to speak. It was the same with everyone else.  "Be quiet you w***e, you don't get to speak in my house." My father yelled at me while kicking me in the ribs, feeling at least 3 of them break. This only caused me to let out a quieter noise. It even got to the point that I started to believe that it was my fault that she is dead.  After about half an hour he finally stopped and left the room slamming the door behind himself, leaving me on the floor with 3 broken ribs a black eye and cuts on my cheek from the impact of his punches to my face. I slowly started to get up, struggling making my way to the bathroom. I knew it was pointless covering it up because I knew what was going to happen when I got to school. Sometime after I was done in the bathroom, I made my way back to the bedroom and started getting ready, reading the time on my bedside clock.  Eight forty-five am I was going to be late anyway since it took me 20 minutes to walk to school. I do not drive and ever since the tragedy happened all my friends and Eli had left me; I had been on my own constantly and always walked to school.  *** (just getting to the school) As I walked up towards the main gates of the school, I tried to keep my head down still seeing students stood outside on the steps at the front. I noticed how some people knew I was there, and they started to whisper and say things to me as I walked past things like - "Slut" "w***e"  "Murderer"  "b***h"  There were more things that just should never be said. How could it go from the perfect everything and everyone being friendly to everything as a disaster and everyone being cruel? I kept my head down as I walked through the front doors and accidentally bumping into someone as I fell back on my ass. I looked up and noticed it was Eli, fear clouding my face as I knew what was coming to me.   "Watch where you're going you stupid w***e" He shouted while pulling me up by my hair and slamming me against the lockers that were behind him with his hand around my throat making it harder for me to breathe, leaving me gasping for air. "Get in my way again and it will be a lot worse you slut" and with that he left, leaving me to try and breathe slowly to get my breath back. After a few minutes I managed to my breath back and slowly made my way to my first class.  As soon as I walked into history everyone's eyes made their way to me, disgust showing on their face even the teacher. I saw that there was only one seat left at the front of the class as I made my way there, I heard some of the girls including Sophia start to laugh at me, making me feel self-conscious about myself. I ignored it and sat down and just let the teacher take over the class again. No one ever spoke to me unless it as to say something horrible to me.  After 20 minutes of sitting there and listening to everyone laugh or say things about me, I felt something a bit hard hit the back of my head and fall on the floor next to me. I looked down and saw a scrunched-up paper ball. I picked it up and undone it to see what was said on it.  "Just kill yourself already nobody wants you here" Was written on it in bold writing. I recognized the writing and looked behind me to see Sophia and the other girls next to her start laughing at me again. I turned back around and got all my stuff in my bag and ran out of the classroom with tears strolling down my cheeks. Did I really deserve all this hate? Yes, I did. "No, you didn't” There was that voice again. I could hear it literally inside my head, but who was it? Was it my mom? I could only imagine that it would be my mom... I got to the bathroom and started to clean my face up and get rid of all the tears that was staining my face. Even though I looked like hell I managed to make myself look somewhat better than I did before.  I knew that today was going to be hell, just like every other day. 
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