Chapter 1

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Chapter 1With a yawn and a stretch, Milo glanced at the wall clock. It was already after five o’clock, but he’d been determined to finish the contracts entrusted to him. The best way to move up in this firm is to show willingness. At least that’s what old Ellison would have me believe. I think this firm still believes in slave labour. “Well, as far as I’m concerned, this goes way beyond mere willingness. But when you work for a law firm with a pedigree as long as your arm, I guess you have to expect it in the first few years.” Milo stood up and let his spine pop back into place. “f**k, I should move more often. Jonty will give me a right telling off for this. But maybe he’ll take pity and give me a massage instead.” The thought of his best friend gave Milo a warm glow and his irritation evaporated. Maybe I’ll stay over tonight. I don’t have a date, so there’s no reason to go home to the apartment. I haven’t made any arrangements to see Leon until the weekend. I hope Poppa is in a better mood. I thought he’d approve of Leon. So far, he hasn’t approved of any of my boyfriends. Fishing in his pants’ pocket, Milo pulled out his cell phone. Well, even if the place is my family home, it’s Jonty’s home, too, and I won’t just show up on the doorstep. I know he’d tell me if he was dating, but I’m not gonna presume anything either. Milo tapped a button and waited for speed dial to do the rest. “Hi, Milo, what can I do for you? It’s been a long time since we last talked.” Jonty’s voice was like a balm to Milo’s frazzled nerves. He felt as though he could finally take a deep breath. “Nothing—well a massage would go down well. My back’s been playing up. But I really wondered if you wanted some company tonight. I can bring take-out on the way home and we can catch up on all that’s been happening in our lives.” “What about your boyfriend?” Jonty asked. “Won’t he want you going to see him?” “No, actually, he’s meeting a few friends for a night out on his own. I’d only be home all alone, with just the walls for company—” “Enough, enough.” Jonty was laughing so hard, he could hardly speak. “You poor thing. Of course you can’t be all alone. What time will you be here?” “By six-thirty. How does pizza sound?” Milo grinned, already looking forward to an evening with his best friend. “Perfect. I have beers in the fridge, as well as chips ‘n’ dips. It’ll be like old times.” “Yes. Let’s get out a couple of old movies. Will Poppa be in?” Milo nibbled at his lower lip. “No, he’s away for a few days, so you and I are in the same boat. Now, drive safe and I’ll see you soon.” “Yeah, see you soon.” Milo felt as if ten years had fallen away, and he was sixteen again. Then he and Jonty had been inseparable, doing everything together, and ending their days with pizza and movies. Beer didn’t come until the next year. We thought Poppa was none the wiser, but with that crafty fox, who knows? A pang of sadness stabbed Milo’s heart. Pop’s always so warm, so welcoming, so open-minded. He didn’t care that I was gay, even though my parents were less than thrilled. In fact, he said he’d already known and had known since I was a kid. But Leon is my third boyfriend and Pop has treated each of them with complete indifference. As if I couldn’t have made a worse choice. Not to mention House. I’m not sure I even want to take Leon there, given the last reaction. With a deep breath, Milo pushed aside the thoughts, and focused on the enjoyable evening with Jonty. Just like old times.
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