Chapter 20

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'Shreyan seem to regret his doing, I want to assure you for him joining the party with workers was more than difficult he did that for you. It surely means something', said Saurav when we were on the fountain looking at the red horizon at twilight after the party. 'Does that mean anything Saurav, It was so hard to get over him, I don't want to raise my hope at most when he is marrying someone like Lila' 'But still, there is a chance, I am not saying you to love him again, trust him again just give it a chance for your baby' 'How can I give a chance to a jerk who once told me to kill his own baby?' 'He isn't bad though, it's his father. His father has always considered class more important than any other thing. During his childhood, when he used to play with his normal friend he used to nag him about their class. He wasn't allowed to make his own friend, talk to servents. His father always chose his friend for him, so what can we expect from him. I wonder how he befriends your brother' 'It's a long story do you have time?' 'Yeah, what we have to do now' 'When my brother Krish was 10 he got a scholarship in number one school of Pokhara, His brain and IQ level was one of the kind. I wonder how he grew up so dull. Anyway in his school he was the only one from a middle-class background. the school was filled with rich geeks and Shreyan was one of them. Everyone used to hate him for being from a low class. Most of the time he used to come home crying, there was nothing my dad and mom could do, so despite the college being free they decided to transfer him the next year but thankfully Shreyan came to his life.' 'I can't believe Shreyan would help a middle-class boy' 'Wait, don't get too happy about that already. He was also one of the bullies until Krish broke his arm while defending him. The principal had to call my parents to the school and when they asked about the broken arm, he said he fell from the stairs. That time Shreyan realized how wrong he was bullying him. If Krish would have opened his mouth that time, the principal would have called Shreyan's father and that wouldn't have been great.' 'Great, First of all, Krish changed his perspective toward the middle class and now you are changing his perspective toward workers. You brother-sister are doing great' 'But, When I keep myself on his position, I feel it isn't easy for him too. He is living with a mother who is always searching for one mistake of him which can avoid the whole legacy of Mr. Shahi from becoming his. So now I didn't have any gurges left for him but sympathy. So I don't need anything from him Saurav. I just wanna give birth to this baby, and take it to my parents' 'But what about society Katy they are gonna judge you in each and every aspect of life' 'It doesn't matter to me what society says. The only thing that matters is what you think, what my parents think' 'What if Shreyan ask you for a chance, will you let that go' 'Will he be able to abandon Lila for me if yes I can think about it but I have moved on I don’t think I can ever be able to have the same feeling. So let's just drop the whole jealous making mission of ours' 'I can't give up so soon Katy, it's your life I know I have no right to interfere, but let me do this much for you' 'I can’t argue, can I?', I smiled, although it was hard for me to listen to him forcing me to continue with Shreyan when I was actually having feelings for him but his care, and persistence to settle me down wasn't less overwhelming. I couldn't argue more and thus stood from there and went inside the room, My one week holiday was ending that time, from next day I again had to continue being Shreyan's server nobody knew what life had prepared for me. The next day when I went to Shreyan's room, opposite my expectation it was cleaner than it used to be when I used to finish cleaning. From clothes to books everything was perfectly piled in perfect places. I walked throughout the room, Shreyan was nowhere not even in the washroom. On the bed, there was a sticky note pasted for me, 'Sorry', it was written there with big letters, and it's arrow showed me the direction to another sticky note above a fruit basket, 'Please eat the fruits I brought here for you' and again it had one more arrow and it leads me to a third sticky note on the pillow, 'You can sleep and rest for a while. I won't be at home until evening'. It was so sweet of him, it actually felt I was being taken care of. For a while, I also felt he might have given the second thought about the baby but again he was Shreyan. I laid down on the bed as suggested by the note, and ate fruits which were kept there for me.   When I heard someone coming into the room, It was Shreyan he was stopping someone, 'Wait, I am sorry', he was shouting when the one ahead of him was coming there. I thought it would be better for me to hide somewhere. I went to the wardrobe but hiding inside it already paid me well last time so I went to the washroom and lock the door from inside. The washroom there was huge bigger than my own room. Soon there were two people in the room, the one was she, 'We are going to marry the very next month and you are already lying to me. What am I supposed to expect from you in the future' 'I am sorry okay, I wasn't lying, I really had some work today it just turns out I didn't' 'What do you mean by that? huh. I just asked you for a date' 'Okay then tell me one thing, if I told you I was in work why are you here, why are you here to check me. If this is your trust what can I expect from you in future' 'Do you really think you are gonna win the argument by saying that? And god why are you opening the wardrobe one by one' 'Wait, I am sorry okay. I just thought I had some work and it turns out I didn't. It's just that don't think too much', the step was coming toward me. 'Come here, Shreyan, we have to talk', Shrey was just outside the washroom door pushing it against him turning around the knob 'Shrey, it's me I am Katy here', I whispered 'huh!', he gasped, his heartbeat getting fast 'Common, Shreyan come here', she shouted, the footsteps of Shreyan was going away 'Are you sure you really want this marriage', she asked little serious this time 'What??' 'I know it's arranged by our families and we have not known each other at all, So I wanted to be sure if we were doing the right thing' 'Listen, Lila', he went toward her and grabs her shoulder, 'I know it wasn't easy for you to agree on this marriage, and the same thing happen to me, but when I first saw you I knew that wasn't the bad idea. You are the most beautiful woman I ever saw. I can't say I love you now because I don't we haven't spent much time together to feel love but still, I can confidently say I like you. And I know this like will turn into love soon. Let's give that a try. And I am sorry that I lied to you. It won't repeat again' 'I know, it's us you know.' 'Hmm, wine??' 'Yes'. I was sitting on the other side of the door listening to them, I never thought that could be so hard to listen even after getting over him. Maybe I wasn't maybe Saurav was right about the feeling. Tears were rolling down from my eyes when I realized it was really going to get over between us. 'Shrey..', Lily called him Shrey she was calling him Shrey that was the name I used to call him, was he okay with that? 'Yes', he replied 'If I ask you for anything, will you give it to me?' 'Depends on what you ask, if it is the thing that I can then I will' 'Kiss me' 'What?' 'Kiss me, we are going to marry in a month is that a big deal' 'No, no,', he stammered, 'I can do that' My heart stopped beating in that moment, will he kiss her? that was the only question I was asking myself 'Okay, then lets', she said 'Okay I am ready' What were they doing, soon it was silence and the only sound that came after that was Lila getting out of the room. I stood from the door and turned the knob to open it, outside Shreyan was on the sofa his hand against his face, I went toward him and embraced his hair, 'Are you okay?', I asked 'I couldn't' 'What?' 'I couldn't kiss her, and I don't think I can ever again. This whole marriage is a disaster, it is a huge mistake' 'Then tell her you aren't ready' 'I can't, for the first time in my life my dad asked me for something serious, I didn't even think twice before agreeing with him. I was happy with my doing, my life was perfect but now after I have seen you and know my child is growing inside you, I am devastated' 'Did I ever asked you to consider, it your own. I have no grudge against you Shrey. I am over you and I want to have this child on my own. So don't feel responsible for it' 'It's not the responsibility, last day when I feel it's kicking, I just felt a connection. I felt like it's gonna have my eyes, and your lips and in an instant, I was craving to look at it.' I sat next to him on the sofa, 'As a child, I never got the love I should have got from my dad, yesterday I felt I am gonna give it every love that I didn't get' We both remained quiet for a while, there was a solution to that, but we both were confused, 'Shrey', I tore the silence 'Hmm' 'That night, that weekend, the blast of emotion that I felt from you was that real? or it was just the lust' 'Can I tell you one thing?' 'Yes' 'You are the first girl with whom I initiated that affection first. So I don't know if that was lust but it was special to me, you are special to me. Your childish behavior, your innocent eyes looking at me used to pull me toward you.' 'But you never thought that can turn into a relationship, do you?' He thought for a while, 'Never,' 'And still' 'No' 'So there is not anything to worry about. You don't want to attach any string with me then what is the problem. Go on with your life. Here I am supposed to be the victim but why are you behaving like a one' 'I am sorry, for everything but it's not like I am afraid of that, the one thing I am afraid of is my dad. He will throw me out of his life if he knows about this so I don't even let that thinking penetrate my mind. You can call me a coward but that is me. But after I saw you with my child my mind and heart are in conflict. I want to imagine about my life with you two and get drowned in that' 'You are confusing me now Shrey. First, get your mind on set about what you wanna do, then come to me' 'Will my decision can affect you, Katy' 'I don't know, but I will never be able to love you like the way I used to do ever again. It will just be for the child. You will be a father but a husband to me…' 'I understand, thank you for talking with me' 'You are my boss, it's my duty to care about your mood. It's 5 already so that's my time', I went out of the room, and slam it behind me. It was not a nice feeling, the whole rush of sad hormones all oozes out to my mind and I remembered everything from that week of love to the time I was humiliated by him. Everything was making me cry, and I didn't know what exactly was I crying for. I hide my face under my knees when someone caresses my hair 'Leiya', I gasp 'What happened to you, why are you crying', she sat in front of me. I couldn't control myself and wrap her in my arm. 'Katy, what happened to you?' 'Shreyan, he never thought of having relation with me, when I was crazily imagining us marrying and taking vows of spending life with each other' 'Shreyan?' 'Saurav said there was a chance, but it was me who believed in him. It is done now, I am never going to expect anything, it's a real over now' 'Shreyan is your child's father', the shocked voice of Leiya shook me up, 'Shreyan is the guy who betrayed you' 'Leiya, it's…' 'He was in front of our eyes all the time and you never thought of telling me that' 'Leiya, I will explain it to you' 'Saurav knew but me. I can't believe I thought you my sister' 'I know Leiya, I am sorry. We will talk this out okay' 'I can't believe', She stood up went away in distress, I was there looking at her going away without turning back not even once'
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