Chapter Twenty-Six

1385 Words

Ally’s POV We finished our final class for the day and all I wanted to do was curl up in my bed and take a nap. There wasn’t a reason why I felt so exhausted all of a sudden. Syd and I got a ride back to our dorm with Owen. He walked us up to our room and stopped at our door. “You look exhausted and have been yawning the whole way here. Did you not get enough sleep last night?” He cupped my chin in his hands and stroked my cheek gently. “I did. I don’t know why I’m so tired. It just hit me. Maybe I just need a nap.” “You take a nap and text me when you wake up. I need to finish getting some things for the house, starting with bed sheets and linens.” “On a normal day I would ask to come with you but I feel like I just ran a marathon. I will text you as soon as I wake.” With that he

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