Chapter Nine

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Owen’s POV I quickly used Ally’s bathroom and removed my jeans. I was glad that I had basketball shorts on so it wouldn’t look inappropriate. I didn’t plan on spending the afternoon napping but if it meant being near Ally i would gladly do it. ”Mark Mate!!” Darren yelled in my head. “Calm down. Be patient. Everything is going well. We have to do this the human way. When we get up from our nap, I will ask her to dinner.” I assured him. “Dinner then we can be with mate.” He said. “You know you are impossible. I’m done talking to you. You horny wolf.” I shut down our link and pushed him to the back of my mind. I walked out of the bathroom to see Ally already tucked into Syds bed. I walked over to the window and closed the curtain. I wasn’t as tired as the girls but the moment I laid on Ally’s bed I was surrounded by her scent. At first I didn’t think I would be able to sleep so close to my mate without holding her. Instead I found myself completely relaxing and my eyes drooping. Before I fell asleep Darren pushed his way forward. “Have a good nap Princess.” He said as we fell into the best sleep we’ve had in months. Mike’s POV I was waiting outside of Ally and Syd’s dorm room. I had overheard Amber talking s**t about Syd and Ally at the packhouse. I usually don’t pay any attention to the she wolves that traipse in and out of the packhouse. Most of them are either mated or pack sluts like Amber. I can’t deny that Amber was one of my favorites. She had an amazing body, was great in the sack and didn’t get attached. As future Alpha, I didn’t get attached to any of the females I invited into my bed. If she was a slut and good for the night, she would never be my Luna. I’ve already made up my mind that Ally would receive that honor. Hearing her name stopped me in my tracks and I stayed in the shadows to listen in on their conversation. “I don’t understand why Syd hangs out with that human.She spends most of her time with her. She hasn’t even bothered to check out the packlands even after I offered to give her a tour.” Said Amber. “I know. I offered to switch roommates with her since mine is a human as well and she flat out told me no. She even growled at me.” Another voice said. “She’s protective of her. Almost like she is her little pet. But I have noticed that all the guys stare at her. She does that thing where she pretends not to notice.” Sneered Amber. Her jealousy was so obvious but she was definitely wrong. Ally wasn’t pretending. She absolutely had no idea how hot she was which made me want her even more. Just the thought had me hard. Originally, I just wanted her in my bed. I had a thing for virgins. Just the fact that I took something that nobody else could ever have. But ever since I met her, I couldn’t get her out of my head. I decided that I wanted more than having her once. I wanted her to be mine. I just needed to figure a way to get her alone. If I could get her to go on a date with me, she would see how rich I am and wouldn’t be able to resist me. Human girls are easily swayed by money and fancy cars. I’m sure that Ally would take one look at my Ferrari and be soaked for me. I was so caught up in fantasizing about Ally that I didn’t realize that Amber and her friend had stopped talking and she was coming around the corner. She saw me and immediately smiled. She bowed slightly and began to rub her chest against me. She wasn’t Ally but she would have to do for now. I felt her grab my length through my shorts. “Is my Alpha happy to see me?” She whispered. I chuckled and silenced her with a kiss. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. She continued kissing me and made her way down to my marking spot on my neck. I shut the door to my bedroom with my foot and tossed her on the bed. I didn’t remove my clothes and made her face down to not kill the illusion that it was Ally beneath me. I was very rough and found my release quickly. I knew that she didn’t c****x but that wasn’t my concern. I just needed to get off. I went to the bathroom to clean myself off and was expecting her gone when I came back. I was surprised that Amber was still sitting on my bed when I came out of the bathroom in my towel. She looked me up and down and licked her lips. “Before you get your hopes up. I’m not interested in round 2.” I said to her, not missing the look of disappointment on her face. “I wanted to ask you if I could use the lake house for a party this weekend.” She asked. “Sure, check with the Luna to make sure it isn’t being used. If it isn’t you can have it.” I said. She jumped up and kissed me on the cheek. “Are you heading back to campus?” I asked, causing her to raise an eyebrow at the question. I never asked her personal questions. I basically got what I needed from her and kicked her out of the room. But knowing that she lived on the same floor as Ally and Syd gave me an idea. If I drove her home, maybe I could catch a glimpse of my future Luna. “Yes, I was going to see if I could catch a ride with one of the other girls.” She said as she made her way to the door. “No need. I’ll drive you.” I said as I finished dressing and grabbed my keys. “Really?!!” She squealed. I already decided that this was a bad idea but hopefully it would be worth it in the end. We headed to the massive garage and she went straight to my Ferrari. I chuckled. All these bitches are exactly the same. All they see is the flash. I wasn’t planning on taking the Ferrari but since Amber was now crucial to my plan I wanted to keep her happy. I was silent as we headed to the dorm. However, Amber wouldn’t shut up. I eventually had to turn the radio on so she would stop talking to me. She gave a little pout so I reached over and held her hand. This seemed to shut her up and keep her content. As we were driving, I mind linked my step mother and made sure that the Lake house would be available for the weekend. She assured me it was and would lock it in on the schedule for me. I told her to have the lake house and yard house available as well. The yard house was where the Alpha and Beta Families stayed whenever we had activities at the lake. I then mind linked my beta and gammas and let them know the plan for a party this weekend. Once we arrived at her dorm, I could see the surprise on Amber’s face when I got out to walk her in. She took it as an invitation to slide her hand into mine. We made our way to her room and she of course invited me in. I had to think quick or I would be stuck in her cramped dorm room. “Babe, I’m thinking that I would like to come to your party this weekend.” I told her. She lit up like I she had just won the lottery. I couldn’t help but smile at her. Just then, the girl of my dreams stepped off the elevator with Syd and that mutt Owen. Perfect timing. I leaned down and whispered “I think I will invite some of my friends. It will be like we are throwing it together.” That did it. She squealed and jumped into my arms and started making out with me. I couldn’t help but notice Owen visible relax and head into the dorm room behind the girls. It took all my resolve to not growl at the thought of him near my Luna. I knew I had to get rid of him but now it seems like that will have to happen sooner than I planned. I can’t let him lure my Luna away from me. Amber had her arms wrapped around my neck but all I could do was stare at my Luna as she closed the door. I knew the sight of seeing me with someone else probably hurt her but it would all work out in the end. Don’t worry my love. My heart only belongs to you. Last Edited on 1/31/22
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