Chapter Fourteen

1185 Words

Ally’s POV            I woke up feeling more refreshed than I had in ages. I stretched out on my bed and debated on wether or not I should jump on Syd to wake her up. Before I could even make up my mind I was distracted by the beeping sound of an incoming text message. My heartbeat started to race because I knew it could only be Owen texting me this early in the morning. Taking the phone off the charging pad I smiled as his name flashed across the screen.            Owen: Good Morning Beautiful xoxo            Me: Good Morning handsome. You are up early.            Owen: I have a busy day today. Have a lot to do before tonight.            Me: Tonight? Big plans with anyone I know?            Owen: No. Just some girl who has been begging me to take her out. I’m just doing it to get h

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