Chapter Sixteen

2072 Words

Ally’s POV            It took one minute. Just one to realize that I was alone and secluded. The bathrooms were located near the very loud food court. Would anyone hear me scream? If I ran, would I make it to where people could see me? I backed up away fromMike and looked up at him in fear. He threw his hands up as in surrender and and smiled at me. It was meant to be reassuring but it just made my anxiety worse.            “I’m so sorry Ally. I didn’t see you there.”            “What do you want Mike.” I asked while trying to keep the shakiness out of my voice.            “Absolutely nothing. I was just coming out of the bathroom.I’m looking for Amber. She told me she is shopping with her girlfriends and I wanted o surprise her.” He said.            “I don’t believe him”said Leah.

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