Chapter Twenty Two

1115 Words

Ally’s POV            I couldn’t help the smile on my face. I just had the best first date. I wanted to squeal I was so happy. Owen was so great. So sweet and kind and still strong and confident. He was everything I I’ve always wanted in a guy. I know that we aren’t official yet but the thought of him being my first boyfriend was very exciting.            “So by that smile I take it that things went well?”            I dropped my purse and bag of food on the counter before jumping on the couch next to Syd. “We kissed. It was so perfect Syd. He was so perfect.” I hugged my frog to my chest as I stared dreamily at the ceiling.            “I’m actually impressed. I thought you would be too nervous.”            “I was. Our first kiss kinda surprised me but then it was a good surprise. Wh

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