Chapter 8

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I avoided looking at Lyonel because I knew my own eyes would hold the same emotion and we couldn't. Especially now, I would need to mate to someone with a strong pack to help me get my pack back. The rest of my guards were finishing up finding anything we could carry and sell, making a pile in the middle of the floor before they started to divide it amongst them to carry. "Dani." Ryan's voice pulled me towards the window where he stood looking out. "I think all your brothers are alive." He said his voice filled with awe as he continued to stare out the window. I hurried to the window that looked out over the largest courtyard of the palace. I was almost to the window when the whole palace seemed to lurch causing me and my guards to fall to the ground. Ryan rolled over me to protect me from the pieces of ceiling that started to fall on us. "What was that?" Ryan mumbled as he helped me to my feet as soon as the ground stopped shaking. "Not a what. A who." I answered as I looked out the window. There was only one person who could move the palace like that. "Atlas." I whispered as I looked down trying to see my brother. In the courtyard below I could see the fire from earlier snaking its way around towards the enemy. While they were distracted trying to get around the fire the wind had picked up on the other side of the courtyard turning into a large tornado. The enemy shifters started to panic as they tried to figure out how to get around both the fire and the tornado. When the center line tried to push forward between the two, the fire and tornado merged together becoming a super fire tornado which was to much for the enemy and they quickly broke their lines and retreated back out of the courtyard. I smiled as I saw the familiar white hair with red tips mohawk down below. "Aries." I yelled as I opened the window ignoring the smoke that smacked me in the face. "Dani? Your alive?" His voice floated up to me and I wanted to roll my eyes at his question. "Of course she is alive, she is talking to you moron." Atlas's deadpan voice brought a smile to my face as I tried to see them through the smoke. "Meet us at the Luna fountain. We have cleared that courtyard." Atlas yelled at me and I nodded. "Got it." I yelled back before stepping back from the window. "We are going to meet up with my brothers." I tell the guards and I see several breath out sighs of relief. I couldn't blame them, my brothers were the strongest warriors we had besides my mother and with their gifts we would have a much better chance to get out of here alive. "We are ready." Lyonel replied as he pulled a backpack onto his back filled with whatever they had found. His eyes no longer held the emotions from earlier, that was replaced by a look of determination. I nodded as I grabbed my own pack and placed the luna crown gently wrapped up on top. We took the servants stairway which was even narrower than the normal stairwell but had a much more direct course to the Luna fountain. We crept out of the palace into the open air and my guards crowded around me more, ready for a attack from any direction, As we entered the courtyard the Luna fountain was in I let out a breath as I saw my brothers standing around the fountain. Aries hands were lit in flames as he watched the northside. He was the oldest but the most reckless. His white hair was shaved short on the sides and longer on top styled in a faux mohawk that was dyed red on the tips. A jagged scar ran across his cheek, a gift from our mother when she had lost her patience with him once. Atlas was watching the southside his face like stone as he watched for the enemy. His own white hair was loose and fell to his waist like silk even though he had been out here fighting for who knows how long. He was the biggest of my brother and the most calm. Joe was sitting on the fountain rim his eyes closed almost like he was sleeping but I knew he was connected to his air gift which would tell him if anything disturbed it. He was the youngest of my brothers and the only one that didn't change his name. My other brothers changed their names to connect more to their powers but Joe said his powers don't define who he was as a shifter. He was also the only brother to have two gifts which made him a bigger threat to my mother. I hurried over to them and found myself squished between the three of them as they tried to check me for injuries. "I am fine." I huff as I try to step back. "Mother is dead." I say softly watching them intensely as they took in the news. Aries spat, Atlas looked away and Joe scowled at me. "Thank the Goddess." Aries growled as his glared up at the palace. I put my arm out with my wrist up showing off the Luna mark on my wrist. They all quickly kneeled and repeated the oath that my guards had done earlier. My brothers had already done this once 5 years ago but now it was official. "We need to go." Lyonel said stiffly as he looked around into the darkness nervously. "We need a plan." I state the obvious as my brothers, my most trusted guards and myself form a circle and the other guards guard our backs. "We should attack them right now." Aries growls and I roll my eyes. "They have the bodies and a witch." Atlas answers as he gives Aries a look. "We have the power." Aries points to me as he says this. "I don't have enough energy." I answer wearily. "We need to leave and regroup. Come back with a allie pack." Joe says softly as he gives me a thoughtful look. "I don't like running." Aries snaps as fire envelopes his hands. "You are not running, you are following your Luna." I say as I stand up taller, I needed to take control of the situation because I knew my brothers could take control of it if I let them, especially Aries. "Where are we going?" Atlas askes as he pushes his long hair back. "The more important question is who the f**k attacked us?" Aries snarls as he lets loose of the fire in his hands and lights a rose bush on fire, I noted it was one of my mothers favorites. "The Blue Moon pack." I answer calmly as I use my water power to put out the fire. "Assholes! I always knew I didn't like that prick of a Alpha." Aries growls as he start to throw fireballs into random directions. I close my eyes as I try to calm myself. Aries might be the oldest but he was the most volatile and quick to react. That's usually why he was never in our pack, my mother didn't trust him so she usually sent him to other packs to help out in pack wars. "Enough." I say it softly but I pushed in my Luna command and Aries stopped, looking at me with wide eyes. "Did you just command me?" He asked astounded. I just c****d a eyebrow at him and crossed my arms. He blew out a breath while he also crossed his arms then looked away. I looked at my other brothers but they just looked back at me ready for my orders. "We will head to Old Town, find a place to lay low and come up with a plan. Till then we need to survive." I say as I look at Lyonell. "We have 4 SUV's by the back road and we can send someone ahead to make sure they are still operational." He said as he turned to the other guards. I nod as I look out into the darkness knowing the enemy was there waiting for us to make a move and if we made the wrong move, game over. "Which way should we go?" I ask not to anyone in particular. Lyonel grimaces as he looks towards the south. "From what the scout I sent out earlier said we will need to stay near the southern border but they have us surrounded." I closed my eyes as I turned my face to the night sky. Could the Moon Goddess just give us a break or have we some how offended her? If we did it had to have been my mothers fault I thought bitterly. "Ok." I sigh as I open my eyes and face my brothers. "We have a semblance of a plan and be ready to improvise as necessary." I turn to Lyonel giving him a nod since he was the most senior guard, he was now in charge of everybody. "Be ready we might have to fight our way out." I say firmly as I start to follow Lyonell and I watch Aries eyes brighton at my words. "Only if they attack." I say pointly at Aries while he gives me a smirk. We were moving finally, as quietly as possible while several guards switched to wolves to scout the area ahead. We were making good time and I could almost taste freedom as we approached the southern border. I was once again surrounded by guards and my brothers so I couldn't see anything but I could feel the vibe change and immediately knew we were in trouble. "Whats going on?" I whispered to Ryan as we stopped. 'Someone is coming." He whispered back his dark eyes never leaving the forest. Branches snapped and I could see everyone being prepared to fight but stopping as soon as the wolf came into our sights. It was one of the guards we had sent out to scout. He changed quickly panting as he stood up. "They are coming." He managed before several howls came up over the ridge we were going to. I froze as I looked up at the ridge. For a moment it was quit and I thought maybe they had passed but soon I saw shadows racing along it before several human forms came into view. Alpha Craig and his son were in front of everybody covered in my pack members blood. I felt anger bubble up in me as I met Alpha Craigs eyes and he smiled. Aries let out a full on growl as fire erupted in his hands as he stepped forward. "No." I snap as I grab his arm keeping him place. "We are on the defensive. First chance we get we run." I say as I look around trying to see what the best way to get out of this was. "I will make a distraction and you can run." Aries spits as the fire in his hands grows more intense. "No." I answer firmly as I pull him around so he was looking at me and not at Alpha Craig. "We are all getting out of this together. No one is sacrificing themselves, I just need a second to think." I look back at the ridge to Alpha Craigs smug face. "Lady Danika, finally. Come join with my son and all this can be forgotten." His voice made me want to puke. All of my guards growl and a gust of wind kicks up the dirt along the ridge. I give Joe a warning look before I turn back to the ridge. "Your pack is gone, Your mother is dead, soon to be followed by your brothers, but if you come willingly I will spare them." He stood proudly on the ridge, his hands triumphantly on his hips, naked as the day he was born. If I were him I would put something on. He didn't have anything to be proud of I thought as I tried to gather my thoughts. Next to him was his son, just as naked and unblessed and on his other side stood a woman with wild blonde hair, her eyes closed as her mouth moved though I couldn't hear her voice. "It's Luna Danika now so I guess I should thank you for that." I tried to channel my mothers haughty tone as I step out around my guards putting myself in front of them. "I could show you many different ways to thank me for that." Alpha Craig said as a cruel smile spread across his face. He leaned towards the woman and whispered in her ear. Suddenly her eyes popped open and she looked at me, well I think she looked at me since her eyes were completely white. A creepy grin twisted her lips and I could see her chant change. A rush of air almost made me think Joe had attacked but when I turned everyone was where they were before. I took a step towards Lyonel but immediately was blocked by a invisible barrier. "Shit." I muttered as I looked at Lyonel as he rushed to me but whatever the barrier was it sent him flying several feet back. My brothers started to immediately bombard the barrier with their powers but it held strong. I turned back to the ridge and noticed several of the Blue Moon pack rushing towards me. Time seemed to slow down as I looked at the barrier than to the advancing wolves. I still didn't want Alpha Craig to know about my powers, but I knew I wasn't physically strong enough to protect myself. Steeling my spine I knew what I needed to do. "Which one of you boys wants to pretend you have a new power?" I ask thankful that the barrier didn't block noise. "I will." Aries replied quickly and it didn't surprise me, he was volatile at the best of times but fiercely protective of me. "When I make a fist I need you to yell Kill The Witch." I say as I look behind me. They were getting closer and I needed to act fast. I looked at Aries and he nodded ready to go. I took a deep breath as I turned to look at Alpha Craig ready to wipe the smirk from his face. "You also need to to pick who is going to carry me because this is going to knock me out." I already knew it was going to be Lyonel because he wouldn't let anyone else have a chance. Closing my eyes I gathered as much of my power I had left and looked at the witch who was still whispering her spell. I took in a measuring breath then curled my hand into a fist. "KILL THE WITCH." Aries roared behind me with so much Alpha power behind it it felt like the earth shivered. I whispered the words hoping all the attention was on Aries as I pushed my power out. I dug in deep to my energy pushing it forward hoping to touch all the wolves in front of me. Their eyes glazed over as the command hit them and they started to turn towards the ridge and I smiled. I pushed even harder ignoring Lyonell behind me telling me to stop, ignoring the dark spots that started to dance in front of my eyes. I pushed further falling to my knees but I continued pushing til I saw Alpha Craigs eyes glaze over. It was so weak by then he almost fought the command off but I pushed even more til I could feel myself falling to the ground but before I lost myself to the darkness I watched him tear out the throat of the witch.
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