New Friends

1237 Words
Jensen ran out of her professor’s office to the nearest bathroom. Running into the nearest stall, she slammed the door shut, crouching on the toilet ,and began to silently cry. Did this crazy man have any idea what he was asking of her? Just then a thought occurred to her, soothing her nerves just a little. She was at least an hour away from her home. This meant she could sneak out wearing her “Ugly” clothes, and change in a convenience store right before she got to class. The man didn’t ask her to unveil in her hometown ,so she should be good, no threats-she hoped. The door to the bathroom opened, and she could hear the clicking sound of shoes. Peering through the crack in the stall door, Jensen saw a pair of black boots stop in front of her stall. “Hey,” a soft voice said, obviously addressing her .”I know you are in there, Chad sent me to check on you. We saw you run out of Professor Evans’ office, are you ok?” “Y,yes,” Jensen murmured softly ,knowing the girl wasn’t going to leave her alone. The soft scent of jasmine and roses wafted through the air, with a hint of bubblegum lip gloss. Funny what a nose could tell a person about someone ,and Jensen’s nose was telling her this girl wasn’t a threat. “Well come on out,” the girl urged, “Chad and I have been talking. It seems we are the outcasts in the class.” Jensen unlocked the bathroom door, and timidly stepped out into the main area. There waiting on her was a petite young woman of Asian descent, with long straight  jet black hair that fell to her shoulders, with cute bangs and glasses. She wore a black top and leather miniskirt, with her black leather boots; A little goth dynamite wrapped in a cute package. “Hi, I’m Lilli,” she smiled warmly at Jensen, taking her off guard. ”Jensen, right?” she offered her hand. “Most people call me Jensy,” she timidly shook Lilli’s small hand. Lilli giggled ,looking up at her. “That’s cute, I like it!” she smiled again, “Now, let’s get out of here .Chad says there’s a little deli not far from here that serves the best sandwiches, and I’m starving.” “Ok,” Jensen observed her new companion as they walked out of the bathroom and down the hall. With her porcelain skin and red lipstick, she appeared just as out of place as Jensy did ,only in an opposite fashion. Lilli wasn’t afraid to show some skin though, where Jensen preferred to keep hers covered.  Before her disastrous  first year in high school, Jensen had not been so shy. Her mother always told her that her olive-toned skin was a perfect compliment to her unusual red hair. Jensen hadn’t been afraid to wear short dresses, which complimented her five foot four petite frame, plus they showed off her toned legs. Jensen wasn’t what most would call a slim girl, due to her rather muscular build. Unlike her sister, who was curvy and feminine, with ample boobage, Jensen was built like an Olympic runner, toned arms, legs, and abs. Not the sort of figure most of the guys went for ,but one she had been proud of. This, with her gifted nose, rendered her as an equal to the boys she liked to hunt with. She and her bloodhound had no problem keeping up with the males she went up against. This fact still rang true, though She now shied away from doing anything that would draw attention to herself, which was fine with her. Jensen was a tomboy at heart, always would be. During her younger years, she preferred boys as friends, they were less dramatic and more practical. All that changed as she hit high school. Instead of remaining good friends, her guy buddies started chasing after all the “pretty” girls. Jensen soon found out that although they might not always want s*x from a girl, guys always wanted something. In her mind, males only wanted to use someone like her, and none of them had an actual soul. Well, there were a few exceptions; Her brother Gunner ,who looked just like their father with his wispy blonde hair and sky blue eyes, her boss at the Sheriff's Dept., a strong wolf named Owen, who always treated her kindly, and now Chad, who she had just met, still her intuition told her that he was not a threat. Oh yes, and her father, who treated her like a precious gem. That was all of the men she trusted, no more, no less. Certainly not the asshole professor who seemed to revel in making her life a living hell. All that was a thought for another time, for Jensen was going out to lunch with her new classmates, something she had never done. She and Lilli found Chad patiently waiting in the hallway. They walked down the hallway to the exit, chatting about being the weirdo’s in class without noticing they were being watched. Connor smirked, as he hid behind a glass door, the shadows rendering him nearly invisible. It was fun for him to watch these three misfits become acquainted. His inner wolf growled, warning him to watch himself. He wasn’t interested in the little redhead ,no this was a game to him, a challenge. Or so he thought, but more than that at the moment, he wanted to see how far these three went in their learning. Connor had paid attention to each one of their actions in class, thinking they were the only ones who were serious about obtaining their goals. He thought of the future, hoping for once he could do something right, something that didn’t involve getting taken down by a woman.  Women, oh how he loved them, but only a certain type; Blonde or light brown hair, busty with a small waist and nice round ass. The only problem with his specifications, was these females were usually selfish, money hungry bitches. Most of the time, Connor didn’t care, as he was only after someone to please his s*x starved c**k, that was, until he ran into one who became obsessed with him. Connor never had time for a serious relationship, in fact he didn’t want one. All his friends were obsessed with finding their mate, or one true love, as most wolves were loyal, but this wasn’t how he was wired. The little blonde agent with the perky t**s and nice ass solidified his theory of not wanting a serious relationship, until it didn't, and his world came spiraling down. All women were bitches ,he thought, and he was still young, by his standards. At the young age of thirty, he was not ready to settle down. There were plenty of women from Knoxville to Seveirville that were built like Dolly Parton, and he could have his pick. Use them and go on, that was his motto, and now there was a possible serial killer on the loose, he would be even busier. The TBI had already contacted him, asking for help ,and he initially refused, but after hearing the news, he may be willing to help. Ok, maybe Connor was a certified womanizer, but he didn’t want to see one being abused, or killed. He wasn’t that heartless for wolf’s sakes. Letting out a heavy sigh, he psyched himself up for his next class, waiting to see the look on his ugly duckling’s face when she realized he taught half of his classes.
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