
1198 Words
Jensen slowly stepped away from the two men, who were having a civil argument, about her that she wanted no part of. “Roxy,” the big bloodhound followed her into the next room, away from the two wolves. “What’s going on?” Gunner slipped up behind her, whispering in her ear. “The guy you almost shot is a wolf, my professor and Owen’s cousin, and he also happens to work here.” “Oh, sis, I am so sorry,” Gunner put his arm around her, listening to the two cousins argue. “Connor, there is no way Jensy aimed a gun at you!” Owen yelled loudly, sticking his chest out. “Oh, really, Owen, well someone did,” the twins could feel the anger vibrating off him in the next room. “Well, it wasn’t Jensy,” “Jensy,” she heard Connor hiss, “Cute name for a plain little girl. “ “She’s not plain, she just likes to hide her appearance,” Owen snapped, “But I know for a fact she would never fire a bullet at someone if she didn’t mean to.” “And how are you so sure, Owen,” now she could smell the amped up testosterone between the two. If someone didn’t stop them, this could end very badly. “Because…” Owen turned his head, giving her a look that said “I’m sorry,” Before the fight could get any worse, Gunner grabbed his sister by the arm and jumped in between the two alpha’s with her in tow. “Jensy didn’t shoot you, you arrogant asshole,” Gunner seethed, still holding her by the arm. “I did!” He stood proud facing Connor, pushing his sister behind him. “Gunner,” Owen stepped forward, growling, ”You nearly shot my cousin and let your sister take the blame for it?” “Yes, she tried to warn me before I aimed my rifle, but  I thought it was the deer. I didn’t know it until he stepped into the clearing. That’s when I saw dad off to the right, slitting its throat. Before I could say anything, Jensy told him it was her fault. “ “Jensen,” Connor’s sharp tone brought her to attention, and she moved in front of her brother, to face her accuser. “Is this true?” he asked. When she wouldn’t look him in the eye, he cupped her face with his hands, looking down into her eyes. “Yes,” she squeaked. ”But please don’t hurt my brother, it was an accident, I swear!” “So, your brother let you take the fall for almost killing me?” He stood straight, crossing his arms, his signature stance. “I, I didn’t want you to hurt him…” she bit her bottom lip, which Connor would have found adorable had he been attracted to her. “And you thought?” “That you would go easier on me, since I am a girl.” “Does your brother know I nearly threw you out of my class because of this?” “No, I did not know,” Gunner stepped forward, ”Please don’t do that to her, she has a hard enough time as it is,” “What do you mean by that?” Connor turned to Jensen ,expecting an answer. “N, Nothing, my brother is overprotective of me,” She lowered her eyes to the floor, ready to kill her brother for putting her in this embarrasing predicament. “So he protects you by letting you take the blame?” “Leave her alone, asshat!” Gunner stepped in front of his sister, barring Connor from staring at her. ”I did it, it was me. I admit it. Do what you want with me, just leave my sister alone!” Owen stood by, watching the scene unfold before him. His cousin wasn’t the forgiving type, but he hoped he would make an exception for the twins. “Very well, Connor growled, his wolf agitated, “You will take the punishment for your sister. I will talk to my uncle ,since it was on his lands even if he did give you permission to hunt. A week in the pack dungeon would suffice, what do you think, Owen?” “No!” Jensen ran up to Connor, pleading. ”Don’t hurt my brother, I will take his punishment. “ “Jensy,” Owen finally stepped in ,”You can't do this! You already took the blame for him! You have always taken up for him, for once, let Gunner be a man!” “But,but…” “Jensy,” cute nickname. I will take you up on your offer.” Connor grinned maliciously. “What,?” Gunner yelled, “I just told you I would do this, please allow me, for my baby sister,” He grabbed her by the shoulders, guilt written all over his face. “You are five minutes older.” Jensen scowled,  ‘Well, I’m still older,” Gunner winked at her, but this wasn’t the time for kidding around. “This is getting out of hand,” Owen said, clearly getting agitated ,for his wolf was bouncing around in his head ,tired of the cat and mouse game .”The decision goes to my cousin, since you two won’t stop arguing.” Owen had an ulterior motive though ,one he didn’t want the twins to know what he was up to. ‘Fine,” Connor scowled. ”After your shift, I will take the both of you to my uncle. Since you two want to fight over this, I will punish you both.” “Very well,” Owen agreed. Gunner lowered his head in submission, even though he was no wolf. No one seemed to notice the tears streaming down Jensen’s face .Her brother was always getting into more trouble than you could shake a stick at. It was just his nature, mischievousness. Even though he was older, she was the more mature of the two Maybe it was guilt. Her mother may have ignored her, but her father doted over her, constantly bragging about her to anyone who would listen. This was another reason she acted the way she did. Her father often ignored her mother and sister for Jensen and Gunner, so maybe she deserved the ill treatment she was accustomed to .There were other factors she couldn’t ignore though, like Dr. Evans had already threatened her, and if he was truly the best friend of the person who threatened her and her family, she had no choice but to agree. Jensen could only hope the person in question would stay away from her. “Ok, it is settled then,” Owen sighed. ”Since Connor has made his decision, I will add my two cents worth in; Jensy, you will go on with Connor to the pack house. Gunner, you will finish your shift, then ride with me. We will inform your parents to let them know where you are.” “Ok” Jensen agreed, wiping her tears on her sleeve .This was not how she had imagined her evening would go, and now she was going to be locked up. Gunner didn’t argue, or say a word. The problem was bad enough without him adding to it, and he didn’t want to cause Jensen any more pain. It was bad enough she was having to pay for his mistake. “What about Roxy?” Jensen asked, worried about her dog. “I’ll take care of her, ”Owen smiled, “But you will have to go in handcuffs, as Connor’s prisoner." Gunner lost it, when she shook her head in agreement.  Owen had to take him to the jail and lock him up as Connor pulled her arms behind her back, snapping the handcuffs in place. He hadn’t really meant to hurt the girl, but he and Owen were teaching them both a lesson; Jensen needed to learn to take up for herself, and Gunner needed to grow the hell up.  
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