Taking Care of Things

2574 Words

A loud bump and a man’s scream woke Jensen from her sleep. She sat up in her bed, surrounded by darkness. How did she get here, and what was that noise? Beside her, Roxy was snoring, her nose twitching as if she was dreaming. As her eyes adjusted to the light, the noises became louder. Someone was yelling, and throwing things in the room next to hers. The clock on her bedside table read 0300, three in the morning. The noises stopped for a minute, giving her time to get her bearings. The last thing she remembered was being in Connor’s arms as they sat at a table on the balcony, after he had told her he was falling for her. Then...She must have fallen asleep right there on his lap, and he must have brought her to bed. She was still dressed in her maroon sweater dress, and the makeup on h

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