The Offering

1814 Words

Jensen lay in the hospital bed in the Moonshine pack infirmary. It was past twelve in the middle of the night, and pitch black, with no sign of a moon, and barely any stars. She snored quietly, her hands tied to the bed, for her own protection, the doctor had told her. Yesterday's events had worn her out and she willingly let sleep consume her. The lights in the hospital were dimmed, so the patients could rest. The Nurses were either taking lunch, or in other rooms. Whispers pulled her out her sleep. Whispers that kept getting louder. The redheaded guard posted at her door, his voice raised several octaves. Jensen sat straight up in her bed .What the hell was going on? “They’ve looked everywhere for her, and they can’t find her, now let me in?” a masculine voice yelled, one that was

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