1495 Words

Emrys A hand hits me in the face and I wake with a start as the body next to me thrashes. I stroke her arm ‘Clover.’ She doesn’t let up and it continues. The sound of what sounds like her wrist breaking as she hits the bedside table whilst her arms flail. I straddle her body and pin her down but she knees me in the balls and as I automatically lean over she bites my cheek so hard that blood trickles down my face. ‘Clover.’ I scream but she can’t hear me. I shake her body to try and stop her and wake her but it’s like she’s in another world. I do the only thing I can think to calm her down and kiss her. My hand comes up to her throat and I squeeze. She gasps for breath and I slide my tongue into her mouth as she starts to come around. She’s delirious at first and confused but I don’t m

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