
1189 Words
I decide to avoid home for the rest of the day. I spend my time collecting flowers in the meadow where nobody goes, so that I can thread them together to make a floral crown. I place it on my head as I twirl through the tall grass. The feeling of freedom. Warmth spreads over me and I look up to find the sun hiding behind the clouds, the rays shining through like an opening in the sky. I wish I could fly into that opening to see what’s there. Is there another world up there? I wonder what it’s like? It’s not a warm day, but I’m warm enough to not need a coat as I dance through the grass and quietly sing the songs from our village which my grandma taught me. I should need a coat, I’m sure I should, but I often feel the heat when I’m alone in the meadow. Staying away from Grove is recommended when you annoy him. My only problem is that today is an off-day. We have one day off a week to do whatever we like. Many use this to engage with the females. The females of the villages on either side of Deadlands come to work here. All females from the two villages between the ages of sixteen until they find their mate after the age of eighteen, will take it in turns to participate in the upkeep and care of the institution. The female Far will clean, cook and sometimes service the males in ways they aren’t supposed to be doing. It’s not banned to do so, but it’s certainly not required the way some of the males assume they are entitled. At least in that way, it protected me. I have never been groped. The only thing I’ve ever come close to that is Rune offering to bed me. He didn’t sexually touch me and I don’t think he ever would without my permission. They have all touched me in another way. They have all been violent and volatile. I’ve been restrained and locked up. Thrown in the pit, left out on the roof in the snow, chained up outside the gates to Deadlands, tied to a tree on the edges of the forest and left all night. No, they never have a problem touching me in ways which cause me harm. They just choose not to be rapists. Like that gives them a green flag. They are all red flags. They don’t even need to hold the flag and wave it above their heads to see it written all over them in invisible ink. The females here take it in turns to have off-days. Whatever would the males do without someone to cook and clean for them for a day? I eye roll so hard I give myself a headache. As I descend upon the steps to our little shared home, I hear the familiar sounds of music, giggles and rowdy laughter. A party. Great. I open the door slowly as I assess how quickly I can make it to my room without gaining any attention. I don’t get the same kind of attention the Inviolable’s get. No. They get males who want to impress them and be them. They get females launching themselves at them so heavily that I’m surprised they don’t lose balance. Please. Have some decorum. The type of attention I get... ‘Eurgh, why are you even here?’ A blonde female says. They all look like clones to me. The guys have a type. Blonde bombshell fairies. It’s Cosetta or is it Blodwen? I’m not sure. They are our personal homemakers here. They aren’t related but the amount of makeup they wear hides their features so they end up looking the same anyway. I look up at whichever one it is as she pours the rest of her red drink over my head. Apparently, opening the door in my own home and accidentally knocking into b***h t**s, who spilt a drop of drink, warrants her pouring the entire cup of liquid onto me. I close my eyes and take three breaths before I shove past and walk up to my room. Males don’t beat females. Well, not publicly anyway. I’m supposed to be male, therefore, I must continue like I don’t want to rip the pout from her face. Emrys walks over as I’m leaving, the dark shadows swirling around him and the liquid beginning to freeze on me, turning to ice. He places his hand on the tight red dress wrapped around her waist as he stares at me. His onyx eyes glaring into my soul. Emrys doesn’t just have a mean personality, he looks like the devil. The blackest hair, the darkest eyes where the light doesn’t ever reflect in them. He has thick bushy eyebrows where his straight dark hair comes to cover them but it’s shorter on the sides and back. The curtains to his very own hell. His power is the darkness. He can turn everything into darkness so that you can’t see a thing. He can creep in silence, he can move through the shadows so that you don’t see him. Where Grove is fire, Emrys is ice. His touch is cold and it can be so cold that it burns your skin. He can freeze whatever he likes. Turning water into solids and creatures which move, creating waves and floods and then turning them into thick ice. He could freeze the blood of another if he wanted to. He can also use his powers to do good. He doesn’t. I feel the liquid begin to thaw and I look over at Aether as he stares at me with pity. I throw my hands down by my side and hear a snigger. ‘Even the tantrums are feminine.’ One of the bitches says. I walk up the stairs to my bedroom and slam the door closed behind me. ‘f*****g bitches.’ I mumble as I throw my coat on the chair in the corner. ‘Why am I here? Why am I here? Why are you here more like?’ I’m rambling as I take off my boots and throw them across the room, one of them hitting the bookshelves causing a few to tumble onto the floor. ‘So stupid. Stupid, stupid girl. She doesn’t even realise she’s being used. She has the personality of my little toe. Her looks are witchcraft. Clay caked on her face and spider legs stuck to her eyes.’ I’m uttering as I undo my trousers and pull them off each leg. They get slung across the room too. ‘They say witchcraft is females coming into their power. Proving they are stronger than the curse and they should be honoured. But no, they get hanged whilst silly bitches witches get praised for contorting their faces.’ My top comes off next as I say ‘eurgh’ and I hear a gasp. I turned around quickly, stood in only my boxer shorts and the bandages which are bound around my chest to hide my breasts. Oh no. Please. No, no, no.
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