
1452 Words

Clover I wake up in the comfort of my bed, feeling a little delirious. I know there’s something I need to remember but it’s too fuzzy. I go to rub my eyes but my hand is stuck. I wriggle it to find it’s handcuffed. I squint my eyes to try to assess my surroundings but I can’t bring them to focus. My head is foggy. The scent of the bed is amazing. I want to wrap myself up in these sheets and inhale them like a drug. It could easily become addictive. I hear a chuckle and that’s when I realise that I’m not alone and not only that, but I’ve just been caught sniffing the bedding. Aether’s bedding I realise when I come to my senses. I look around but he’s not here. Emrys is sitting in a chair, facing the bed as he watches me. His face is dark and his eyes are swallowing me as I gaze at him.

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