2031 Words

The family colours of blue and gold made it exceedingly smart, but it was doubtful if anyone, after seeing the Marquis himself, would look at anything but the magnificent team of jet-black horses which drew it. They were perfectly matched and were the pride of the Marquis’s stable as well as of their owner. “Now don’t take me too fast,” Anthony admonished as they started down the drive. “My head feels as though it might crack open at any moment and, if you jerk me, I swear I shall fall to pieces at your feet!” “You should have more self-control,” the Marquis answered. “I might say the same to you!” Anthony retorted. “What do you think your guests will say when they find you gone?” “Personally, I have not the slightest interest in what they say,” the Marquis replied. “I told Bradley to

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