Chapter Two Couldnt get her out of my mind

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I picked up the phone and dialed the number on my screen, uncaring it was two in the morning, I needed to hear that se*y voice again. A breathy whisper, “ Hello” echoed in my ear, I shifted in my bed uncomfortably, she had an incredible voice. “ Carey?” “ Yes, who is this?” “ Cedric Yates, I need to ask how you got the information you gave me earlier this morning.” Her groan made me pull the phone away from my ear and almost rub my crotch. Her voice was the stuff straight out of porn; soft, seductive, and sleepy. “ You mean yesterday? It’s two o’clock in the morning.” “ I’m aware of the time and you have sensitive information here. How did you come by it?” I admitted to being concerned about the legitimacy of how she obtained it. She was quiet. “ Does it matter?” “ Yes, it does.” I was going to use it either way, but I needed to know. “ My ex had a habit of working constantly, all the time, twenty-four a day. I admired his drive and determination and appreciated his hard work, but now I think he was avoiding me.” She gave a dramatic sigh. “ Anyhow, frequently his laptop computer’s battery would drain because he was constantly on the damn thing and when that happened, he would simply grab mine and use it. When he very indelicately told me he had knocked my sister up, he forgot he had not cleared my computer of his information, it was on my computer purchased with my money and it’s ancient. I’ve had it for at least five years. I use it for watching movies and doing my banking. It freezes all the time but it’s mine. The information contained on my computer is mine, is it not?” “ I am fairly sure this is not how it works, it also would not be a far stretch for anyone to put two and two together, and surmise you provided me details from the shared laptop for me to use this information to take business from your husband. I should tell you. I have no issues doing so on my own without help but this certainly would speed the process along.” “ I’m aware you can take him out on your own, he bitched constantly about you taking the last two contracts he had, one for the development of the subdivision in the park and the other where you took the strip Condo right out from under his nose. He felt it was personal.” “ It was.” “ Why?” “ I don’t care for his father, we will leave it at that for now. Regardless, I am curious what it is you want to negotiate for additional information.” “ I have removed the bulk of his information from my laptop and it is secured elsewhere. It has been broken down into files and folders where only I can find them. However, his email account is still wide open on my laptop, and I left two files with other key pieces of information. It would be unfortunate if someone with the means and the knowledge to bypass my security system were to come into the house when I was at my brother's and steal my laptop. It is of no intrinsic value. To make it look good, I’m willing to file a police report should the thief steal other items in the house. There really isn’t anything I want in it other than what is in my bedroom and studio.” “ You want me to rob you?” “ Rich people don’t get rich playing nice, Mr. Yates. It was one of Evan’s favorite sayings. I’m sure you have an individual on your payroll to perform such tasks for you all the time.” “ I’m simply a developer, Mrs. Sampson and I could be insulted by your insinuation.” “ Yet, I bet you’re not.” She gave a throaty chuckle. I found myself wondering what other noises she made with that se*y voice of hers. I pushed the thought aside, “ No, you’re right, I am not. What do you want in return for your stolen computer?” “ I want you to come to my show.” “ Show?” The file I’d received from my security indicated she was an artist working primarily out of a local gallery. “ A man with your reputation showing up at my show would bring attention to me, it’s my goal to not touch a single penny of my alimony and I hate feeling like I’m still being supported by him. I want to make my own way with my work. If you come to the show, paparazzi will follow, and people will come. Also, it’ll genuinely piss the entire Sampson family off. I want them to burn with anger.” “ I see,” I said quietly. “ You will let me take your computer with the email open and access to whichever files are left on the computer and I can use the information how I see fit and file a police report to say you had a break and enter to cover your ass and all I need to do is become a patron at your show?” “ Actually, Mr. Yates, you’re already a patron of the show. When I saw you sitting at the table, I recognized you but thought at first it was probably at an event I’d been dragged to with Evan. However, the more I thought of it, it turns out you purchased one of my paintings several years ago. I was a student at the time, and you were there at the art fair with a very regal woman who purchased one of my paintings and you took one as well. Back then I never kept a record of the names of who I sold to, but I went through my portfolio from back then and sure enough, you are in the background of a photo.” “ I know the art fair you’re referring to, but I bought the painting at least ten years ago. You remembered me after all this time?” I looked across my home office to the eleven by ten canvas I’d had framed years ago with the gold and red hues. “ You don’t look the same, I remember you being curvier,” I remembered my mother teasing me about how I’d been checking out the ass of the artist. She gave a bitter laugh, “ I was a lot chunkier back then, but it was me you bought from and I remember every person I have ever sold a painting to. The paintings are part of my life. Each time I paint, and I let one go, I let a piece of me go as well.” I was quiet at her words and then sighed, “ When will you be out of your house?” She gave a delighted squeal. “ I’m going to be at my brother's tomorrow afternoon to discuss putting the house on the market. I’m going to sell it for under-market value just to piss Evan off. He can’t get into it with me tomorrow because he'll be in a business meeting and then be going to meet his wedding planner. I want to have the place sold and under contract before he realizes it. I can only pray whoever buys doesn’t sell it back to him.” “ Why not sell it for a profit?” “ My sister wants it so she can raise her child in it but if I had my way, I would sell it to a buyer who wants to bulldoze it. My brother really wants to drive a bulldozer through it ever since we found out they had s*x on my kitchen counters.” I considered this woman to be a very bitter and angry individual and knew I should tread lightly. Everything in me was warning me to hang up the phone and get as far away from her crazy schemes as i could. Instead, before I could stop myself, I said what I never wanted to say. “ I will give you full market value, I will let your brother drive the bulldozer, but I very much want to live stream the event so his family sees it, I also want to make it public knowledge I’m the one taking it and I want it done the day of their wedding. I want to see the look on his face.” “ Really?” “ Yes, you may as well take a profit from his stupidity. Tomorrow afternoon, be out of your house and keep up the ruse with your brother. I’ll have my team make inquiries and we’ll go from there. When is your show coming up?” “ Next weekend in the evening.” “ Perfect, I will see you then. Goodnight, Carey.” “ Goodnight, Mr. Yates.” “ Call me Cedric. Considering the hijinks, we’re about to indulge in, I think first names are warranted.” “ Then, goodnight, Cedric.” She gave a little giggle at his words before hanging up. The sweet sound of her laughter kept me awake the rest of the night.
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