Chapter 4

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Gorkha The day came when Akanchya was going to get married to the prince of Sloak. King Ajay and his son Aman with their soldiers came to Gorkha and the marriage was going to happen that day. "I am sorry, Akanchya. I couldn't save you", whimpered Bella making her hair "Don't worry, I am positive that they will keep me happy atleast more than my dad who is trading me" "He is 20 years older than you" "I know" "I am sorry, Akanchya", Bella hugged her shedding tears from her eyes "I want you to let me go with a smile Bella" "How can I? You are the only person who bonded with me since my birth, the man whom I call a father don't even consider to take me as her daughter, all the royal workers behave as if I am a ghost and are afraid to come near me" "It's because you came from a fire that doesn't happen here often and it's your beauty too, people are afraid they will get trapped on it" "Without you, I won't be able to survive in this land" "Please, don't say that. These walls contain the cry of many daughters who were dominated, and never given the chance to raise. You are different Bella, that day you stood for me, your voice had that thing that no one else had. I have expectations on you, I know one day you will manage to change the view of father along with every citizen here that a daughter can do a lot more than a son can. Promise me you will not give up, you will fight for your ways" "I will, I promise you", said she hugging her again. That was the last time the two sisters one who was just 5 but was matured enough to know the world and the other 16 but still learning about the world were seeing eachother. The marriage ceremony was huge, and the prince Sloak was happy to get married to a younger and more beautiful princess. The time of goodbye came, King Birendra gave 1000 gold coins, 1000 cattle and 200 royal dresses as dowry and the King of Sloak and his son took Akanchya with them in a carriage. Bella was heartbroken, she was the one who was affected by that the most. They didn't get to spend many days together but the time which they spend were precious to her. In The king's cabin "By giving Akanchya to Sloak we have made our allies stronger, they are our shield now", said Beatrice going toward his father "What is your plan now?" "Bella, If we managed to marry Bella to the strongest kingdom then we won't have to worry about others attacking us" "When there was no heir in our country, Dark clove tried to attack us. And if they did so it was impossible for us to win because they haven't lost a single battle till now" "Then make them your inlaw" "Will King Dravya accept the relation?" "I am not talking about the king Dravya" "then who" "If we think from the future point of view, it will be best if Bella will be married to five brothers" "What are you saying they don’t even belong to any kingdom. They are just a soldier fighting for Levia" "From the information, I have collected till now,  In future, the five brothers will surely announce war against Dravya to reclaim their throne" "There will be 1 million Dark cloves soldiers against five of them" "And there will be 100,000 Levian soldiers behind them too and if we give Bella to them we will also be with them. Think dad if that happens both the strongest kingdom of this world will be on our side Levia and Dark clove" "And if it doesn't happen?" "Then still we will have Levia and five brothers on our side" "Won't it affect our reputation if a girl from this kingdom will be shared to five?" "I didn't take that into account and I don't think it will do any bad for our kingdom" "Will Bella be okay with the marriage because no girl will be okay to marry 5 guys at once" "She doesn't need to know that she is marring 5" "You are right, you are smart in politics, too smart so any decision you take it's okay for me" "I will send a letter to Levia", said Beatrice going out of the king's cabin. Levia jungle, The five brothers were on their way to dark clove, they refused to take any Levian soldiers with them. "We are going there as the princes of dark cloves in this scenario we cannot take Levia's soldier", said they and proceed on their path. 30 days of the walk was not going to be easy, they had to eat fruits from the jungle, drink water from the stream and sleep on the bushes. Dark cloves secret soldiers were constantly following them, as they were living in Levia keeping an eye on five brothers for 5 years and they used to give information about them to Dravya from the letter. They had their own eagle which used to work as a medium to transfer letters. They were already informed about the plan to murder five brothers in such a location that no kingdom could be too near from that location so that they couldn't run and hide. Levia The king's throne hall "Your majesty, a letter from Levia has arrived", said a soldier with a red envelope in his hand "Tell me the good news", said the king with Beatrice next to him "Your majesty, I was very pleased to know that you wanted to give your daughter hands to my beloved nephew. If they were here I would have conducted the wedding right away but they have already been on their way to Dark cloves. I am very sorry that there is no certainty when they will get the message and looking at their behavior I am not sure they will agree to marry or not. So It's in your hand." "No, No that wasn't in the plan", King shouted when  the soldier closing the envelop went to the side afraid of his anger "What do you suggest now Beatrice?" "It's unfortunate that they have already started their journey to Dark cloves even if they get there we can't ask them to marry Bella because it would be disrespectful to the king Dravya" "What do you think would be better?" "Send Letters to all the kingdom inviting them to an engagement ceremony of Bella, 20 days from now we will be holding  Bella's engagement ceremony where prince of all the nation will be here, then Bella will herself choose right partner for her" "But Beatrice?" "Trust me dad, When I foresee the future of Bella I see five brothers with her. She is an emblem of fire just like me, God didn't send her without any purpose" "What if Bella chose someone from some lame kingdom?" "Leave that to me dad", said he, and with it, they ended the royal meeting. The news of Bella's engagement was spread all over the world along with her rumor of beauty and her mysterious birth from fire. Every prince from all over the world was eager to witness her with their own eye. The news also reached the king Dravya, he also heard the rumour of her beauty so he also planned to be in the engagement and was quite confident that Bella was going to chose him. Midwest Jungle It was already 10 days since five brothers were walking in the jungle, they were no more afraid to be in their wolf shift, they used to run, hunt, and were having the wildest adventure of their life. At night four of them used to sleep and one used to remain awake to avoid wild animals attack. That day it was Vigour's turn to stay up all night, it was a huge jungle in the Midwest, The dark cloves' secret soldiers were planning to kill them the very night. And they had ordered from the king Dravya too to kill them as soon as possible. They were thinking of trapping the strongest one Vigour who was awake and kill of them in their sleep. They were just waiting for Vigour to get a little sleepy. Suddenly a roar comes from the direction where they were waiting to attack them, as looked behind and saw a whole pride of lion coming toward them. they were not 1 not 2 they were 15 lions even the tress of the jungle were shaking. The soldiers were 20 but they were so afraid that they ran away from there as soon as they saw the pride. The lions pride went toward five brothers Vigour was having his short sleep even when he was standing infront of his brothers. A lion was already there sniffing his foot, but still, he wasn't waking up. Soon Aven who wasn't feeling good, has a nightmare and wakes up with a shout. "What the hell?", he shouted when everyone wakes up with his scream "What the holy f**k is happening?", the same words come from their mouth when they see the pride of a lion all around. In an instant, they shift on their wolves and began to stare at each lions eyes crawling together, Vigour, roared and attacks the lion infront of him and so does, Tyler, Allure, Gracious, and Aven. Vigour hits the lion in the head and scratches its body pushing it to the tree, and Allure, and Aven was fighting together. Soon all the trees around them were broken, and dust filled the air. Vigour himself killed 10 lions and the other 4 together other 5. "Vigour, you were supposed to look after wild animals, if I wouldn't have sensed danger we would have been lion's dinner", Aven shouted "I am sorry, how can you expect me to stay all night even after walking the whole day" "We should be grateful that we managed to win over them, if anything would have happened to even one of us then it would have been the end", Tyler said breathing heavily "thanks to our wolf, we won", Allure said cheering the group and they all again gave a group hug to eachother. "These lions were nothing, the real evil lions waiting for us in Dark clove, we have to remain motivated for that", said Tyler cheering his brother and they all sat against the broken tree.  Meanwhile, on other side the soldiers who were following five brothers to kill him lost their path in the jungle and began roaming here and there "Senior, if his majesty will find out that we have lost five brothers then he will kill us" "We will write him the letter saying we have already killed him" "We can't lie they will get to Dark cloves within 20 days" "The only lie will be the fact that we didn't kill them but lion did. I am sure they couldn't have won over those lions." "They are five brothers, what if they survived that?" "There is no chance trust me. we just need to write a letter to the king and wait for the gold he sends to us gracefully", he shouted cheerfully and all the other secret soldiers cheer behind him
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