Chapter 3

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Peter and Anita found Kristen leaning on the door to his room. She was all smiles, genuinely happy to see her brother find happiness. Although she was feeling a tinge of jealousy. Peter was her best friend, with Anita in the picture there were high chances she was going to be forgotten since he was going to spend a lot of time with her. "So what is it you wanted to show us?" Peter asked. "Nothing I just wanted to get you guys away from mum and dad, keep it down walls have ears" she teased walking away. The two were embarrassed as though s*x was written on their foreheads. "How can she tell by looking at us?" Anita asked. "She is smart, come on let's..." She kissed him lightly on the lips. Peter opened the door led her in then bolted it. He grabbed her waist carrying her across the room to his bed with a free standing mosquito net towering above it. It was in the middle of a painted cream walls with a large window on their right, tiled floor, a portrait of Peter was hanging on the wall in front of them. A small bedside stool on which another small framed picture of Peter and flowers were resting. There was also a bedside mat. On their left was a walk in wardrobe with a large spacious washroom. Anita He lay me on my back. On his knees in between my legs he was breathing heavily as he struggled to get rid of his coat. I grabbed his tie and quickly untangled it throwing it away. I was a shirt away from feeling his body on mine. He unbuttoned it quickly. His hairy chest was visible as he leaned in to kiss me spreading my arms further above my head my legs encircled around his waist. His heart was throbbing and so was mine. Our lips met my tongue dominating his mouth as my hands slid down his pants trying to unzip them. He groaned softly kissing my neck. "I want you so bad" He whispered in my ear. "Let me get rid of this dress first" I whispered back burying my fingers in his back almost ripping out his scapula bones. "I don't want to stop" he complained kissing my forehead then my nose before he got to my lips again, he send a trail of kisses down to my cleavage. "You're hurting me" I lied when he got to my boobs, it was fuckin awesome but I was not ready. He stopped abruptly breathing heavily. Worry was written all over his face although his eyes were tranquil, his touch was squishy. I smiled. "Did you just lie in the middle of this?" He asked. Peter The moment she said I was hurting her the s****l drive just disappeared. I couldn't imagine hurting her not under any circumstances but when I saw her smile I could tell she was joking. I rolled over and lay next to her. Good things take time and I was willing to wait. "Am Sorry" she said making circles on my chest with her fingers it brought a really soothing feeling, "I feel like we can wait a bit" "You're right" I said turning to look at her. She messed up my beard touching my cheeks with her soft as feathers hands. "Why do you think you lost your drive?" "I don't know but maybe because there is no going back after this and am not so sure about your parents liking me and I also don't want you to have a scuffle with them because of me" **** Peter sat up on the bed supporting his back with a couple of pillows. He wanted to snuggle. "Come on" he said drawing her closer to him such that she lay on his chest with his arms around her. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Am good, listen" He said massaging her head, “You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me, you’re worth anything, you're the one I love and you love me back right?" She nodded in agreement and said, “With everything I got, I love you peter” "Then my parents shouldn't worry you, they don't know how sweet and nice you're but when we get married and you get to live with them they will come to like you not more than I do though" "If you say so, I trust you babe" she said. "We going to be fine as long as we stick together don't worry" "Are you hungry?" "Super, let's go downstairs and make something shall we?" Peter changed into a pair of shorts while Anita took one of his many white shirts that covered her up to the thighs. They went to the kitchen to make some food. While Anita prepared the eggs and sausages peter was applying margarine on bread and blending mango juice. When everything was ready they carried the food to their room, fed each other and talked themselves to sleep. He did not get laid but at least he got to spend some quality time with her sometimes that’s all that matters. **** After a busy day in the Richards manor Ben and Alicia were in their room, lying on their bed just going over the day. They were both very happy for Scott. He was finally bound to a woman they wanted him to have for a life partner. Their future generation was safe in her hands. "He should have called by now” Alicia said checking her phone. "Relax they will call maybe they are just tired from the journey" "I can't sleep unless I know they are safe" she said snuggling Ben. To stop her from worrying Ben introduced a new topic. Their longtime friends who were back in town. "The Philips" "What about them?" "They are back in fort canon you saw them today, am happy for Peter" She seemed interested in the topic all of a sudden. "I pity the girl, you know how they treat those they consider below them in the socio-economic ladder?" "No idea Cole and I never used to hang out a lot" "Like trash that's how they treat them, Gabriella already complained to me about his choice of a wife they want him to marry Selina" "Who is Selina?" "Victor and Elsie whites daughter you know her, she was friends with both Scott and Peter I used to think Scott would marry her until Melissa came around" "I don’t remember her, As for Anita she is a nice girl I know her parents they are lucky to have her marrying their son maybe she might teach them a thing or two about being nice to people" "Well, Gabriella doesn't see it" Alicia's phone chimed. She picked it up quickly. "It's Scott...You kept me worried son" Alicia said. "Am sorry we were delayed by traffic, is dad around?" "Am here Son" "I just wanted to say goodnight to you guys, I will call tomorrow" "How's amber and Arya?" "Asleep" "Okay goodnight son" the two parents said in unison. After the call they both went to the bathroom to brush and prepare for Bed. She said a word of prayer before they both slid under the sheets cuddling. Ben was however not sleepy. And he did not want to worry her so after ten or so minutes he decided to leave the bed for his home office where he could sit and think straight bedsides he was sure his loyal butler Paul was still awake. Ben sat up on his bed and watched his wife sleep. She looked young and beautiful for her age. He then took a robe and slowly crept out of their room not to wake her up. "I thought I'd find you here" Ben said when he got to his home office where Paul was seated on a coach with a glass of whiskey. "And I thought you should be asleep" "Am used to worrying you know to an extent I can’t really believe someone is not on my back" Ben said pouring himself some water, he went ahead to sit in his rightful chair. "Don't worry we are safe for now, Thomas is in and Lincoln is not a threat anymore maybe your new returning friend" "You read my mind, I know Cole so well and you remember back in the day before he left fort canon we had a small disagreement" "Yeah, is that what's keeping you awake?" "Not really but last time we ignored something small we ended up paying a heavy price but it's not Cole am worried about..." "Gabriella Philips, arrogant, bossy, self-centered and very manipulative I know a few things about her" Paul interrupted. "And also a whisperer, she can make Cole do anything she wants including digging up some snakes we can't kill I want her monitored everything, her movements her calls everything" Ben ordered. "Okay sir, isn't it funny" Paul said shaking his head with a smile on his face. "What's funny?" "You guys are friends but a step away from enemies it's like living in a landmine any minute you are gone!" "That's what it means to be rich Paul, you of all people understand this and thank you for everything you know money can't make up for what you do for this family" Ben said turning around to face the large window behind him, from there he could see the well-lit compound and guards making rounds, sniffer dogs running in different directions. The sky was clear with a couple of stars shining from a distance. The wind was howling making the foliage sway "No need to thank me, we are family, my daughter works here and am glad to report our relationship has been great. I owe you one" "No you don't, goodnight Paul let me go back before she discovers am gone" "Too late" Paul said smiling. "So this is where you hide?" Alicia asked joining the men. "I was just leaving" Ben said getting on his feet, "I didn't want to wake you up" "Your absence did, am worried about the Philips" "You two have a very extraordinary connection" commented Paul. "What is he saying?" "I was worried about the same, I remembered the piece of land we were contesting for back then before they left the city" "Ooh yeah, it has been a long time but they are very vindictive we should be careful just in case, I will handle Gabriella and see what she is up to" "You're friends?" Paul asked before he sipped from his glass, Alicia was leaning by the entrance. "Used to, only because our kids are friends. Scott and Peter are inseparable" "Then try and use that to our advantage we can't stand another round of violence and living in fear I wish that this circus ends with me Scott doesn't look like he can handle this pressure" Ben said walking towards Alicia. "Give the kid some credit", she said with her arms around his neck," if I did it he can do it and that's because he is a blend of the two of us never forget that" "And he has Arya by his side nothing to worry about" Paul assured. "Okay then, we should go" he said taking Alicia with him. Paul was left in the equivalent of the oval office. It had a comfy seat he might have as well slept there as he planned how to handle the Philips. Alicia's instincts were rarely wrong after all, its friends who make the worst enemies since they know a lot about you.
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