
1782 Words

Betrayal and Desperation Lisa’s stance “I will only release you once you have had as many children as I want. I want to completely dominate you, shatter your hopes, dreams, aspirations, and goals, and become the only thing you have in this world,” he smirked. “You will crave and adore me while I torture you, leaving you damaged and worthless. Embrace this fate, Lisa.” “Hehe he.” He stood up and adjusted his clothes well. “Do I look good, mate?” he asked. I ignored him. “You don’t have to answer. I know I look good in your eyes. If you wanted to live your life in peace, you should have gotten pregnant quickly, honey. I’ll be back.” “I hate you,” I cried. “I don’t want to see you.” “Hey, don’t cry, darling,” he said, snickering as he wiped away my tears. “You can never get rid of me.

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