Chapter 50

1504 Words

The spy. King Finn. I woke up quickly, took a bath, and got dressed. Today was the day I finally got to see that traitor. I stood in front of the mirror, combed my hair, and once I was satisfied with my appearance, I opened the door and walked out. “My king, good morning to you,” Daniel greeted me. “Good morning, Daniel,” I replied with a smile that reflected the excitement I felt inside. I was looking forward to reuniting with my beloved. Today was the day I would return to the kingdom, back to the one I had missed so much. The thought of her, the mere idea of being in her presence again, stirred a profound sense of happiness within me. I had yearned for this day, the day when the distance would collapse, and I could hold her in my arms once more. “I can see that you’re happy,”

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