Chapter 60

1611 Words

Why can't you feel my pain? King Finn. “Your Majesty,” she purred, still trying to seduce me. “Am I not beautiful enough to be your wife?” “Stop this, sister!" Daniel shouted at her. “Enough of your foolishness.” “Enough, Daniel, and stop calling me your sister,” she yelled back. "If I am truly your sister, you will support me in marrying him.” “Stop saying bullshit, Bianca. You’re not his mate, you know that,” he howled. “Why are you forcing yourself on him?” “I am the only one who is meant for him. No one deserves him but me,” she sneered, folding her hands together. “I’ll be his queen and rule beside him.” The audacity! “Hehe! My father told you about this." I asked, facing her. I needed to be cruel to her. Pardoning her made her believe that I liked her. “Yes, Your Majesty. We

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