Chapter 60

1584 Words

*Alexis POV*   The faster we run the better I start to feel.The anger disappears and Christians giant black wolf is so playful I cant help but start to play a vicious game of tag, my muscles are burning but I just push through it. I need to work on my wolfs endurance, or maybe I need to give her some time, after all she is still very young. I am enjoying every minute. Oliver is very quick keeps up with me well, I can’t seem to shake him, which is actually a good thing since I have no idea where we actually are. We stop at a small lake and lay down. I am panting so hard. I tentatively walk forward and get a drink. The lake shimmers it is so peaceful and beautiful. I look at my reflection. I haven't actually had a chance to look at my wolf. She is so beautiful. My heart beats faster when

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