CHAPTER 3. The Egotist Considers-1

2020 Words

CHAPTER 3. The Egotist Considers “Ouch! Let me go!” He dropped his arms to his sides. “What's the matter?” “Your shirt stud—it hurt me—look!” She was looking down at her neck, where a little blue spot about the size of a pea marred its pallor. “Oh, Isabelle,” he reproached himself, “I'm a goopher. Really, I'm sorry—I shouldn't have held you so close.” She looked up impatiently. “Oh, Amory, of course you couldn't help it, and it didn't hurt much; but what are we going to do about it?” “ Do about it?” he asked. “Oh—that spot; it'll disappear in a second.” “It isn't,” she said, after a moment of concentrated gazing, “it's still there—and it looks like Old Nick—oh, Amory, what'll we do! It's just the height of your shoulder.” “Massage it,” he suggested, repressing the faintest inclin

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