CHAPTER 2. Experiments in Convalescence-2

2078 Words

A LITTLE LULL Four days after that he returned at last to the apartment. Tom was engaged on a book review for The New Democracy on the staff of which he was employed. They regarded each other for a moment in silence. “Well?” “Well?” “Good Lord, Amory, where'd you get the black eye—and the jaw?” Amory laughed. “That's a mere nothing.” He peeled off his coat and bared his shoulders. “Look here!” Tom emitted a low whistle. “What hit you?” Amory laughed again. “Oh, a lot of people. I got beaten up. Fact.” He slowly replaced his shirt. “It was bound to come sooner or later and I wouldn't have missed it for anything.” “Who was it?” “Well, there were some waiters and a couple of sailors and a few stray pedestrians, I guess. It's the strangest feeling. You ought to get beaten up just

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