CHAPTER 4. Narcissus Off Duty-3

2011 Words

“Of course, that's the ancient Celtic school,” said Tom gravely. “Yes—but they usually pray first. Anyway, you use this method to clear the closets and also for behind all doors—” “And the bed,” Amory suggested. “Oh, Amory, no!” cried Alec in horror. “That isn't the way—the bed requires different tactics—let the bed alone, as you value your reason—if there is a ghost in the room and that's only about a third of the time, it is almost always under the bed.” “Well” Amory began. Alec waved him into silence. “Of course you never look. You stand in the middle of the floor and before he knows what you're going to do make a sudden leap for the bed—never walk near the bed; to a ghost your ankle is your most vulnerable part—once in bed, you're safe; he may lie around under the bed all night,

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