Chapter 6 Her Alpha Mate 6

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  Her wolf quickly moved away from Zack and growled softly.   'Mate is so weird. He pulled on my tail. It was so ticklish,' Aurora said.   Aurora turned to him, and he was still panting and sticking out his tongue like a hungry dog.   'But mate is cute,' Aurora added.   Freya rolled her eyes, but smiled anyway.   Aurora went back and forth so often.   One minute she was complaining about him, the next she was raving about him. Freya couldn't blame her, though. The mating bond worked its magic and it was hard to resist.   Freya only wished that Zack would accept it.   Freya's heart felt like someone had crushed it every time she thought about it. She didn't think he understood the value of a partner - that no one could love you more than she could and make you feel the same way she did.   Freya learned her lesson about mates the hard way.   She made the mistake of rushing into a relationship when she was seventeen years old. The wolf she was with made her so happy. She thought that if she never found a partner, she could possibly be with this guy because he was rejected by his partner. He was so sweet and she never doubted his feelings for her.   Looking back, she realized how wrong she was.   He was slick. Too slick. Every time he canceled her dates, he'd an excuse ready.   He kissed her gently to distract her from serious conversations. With his friends, he exchanged grins every time they passed them.   She was so silly and naive.   It wasn't until he cheated and humiliated her that she realized he could never love her. She could remember that day like it was yesterday.   ***   FLASHBACK:   Freya was on her way to the packing house to dropoff some groceries when she heard voices from behind the cabins. Specifically, Bryant's voice.   She quickly set the groceries down on the island and walked over to greet him. Before she could turn to the corner, he said something that stopped her dead in her tracks.   "She hasn't given me her virginity yet, but she's admitted that she loves me, so pay up. Each of you owes me two hundred dollars."   There were a few laughs as her heart broke.   "Are you going to break it off then? Or are you waiting to take her virginity?"   "It doesn't really matter, honestly. I'm already f*****g Diana and she's great in bed, so I'm pretty satisfied. I'll probably stop in a couple of weeks or so, unless she decides she's ready to have s*x. Then I'd probably hold off a little longer."   A loud laugh rang out.   She put her hand over her mouth to stifle a sob.   She thought: How could I be so clueless? How could he do this to me? Was I really that stupid?   Her heart felt as if someone had squeezed the life out of it. Her eyes watered with every word he said. Her head was pounding.   She could no longer breathe.   Suddenly there was a shuffle, and she came face to face with Bryant. His eyes widened when he saw her tear-streaked face.   "Freya," he breathed, "what're you doing here?"   She swallowed hard the lump in her throat.   So this is what heartbreak felt like, she thought.   "Does it even matter?" she whispered hoarsely. His friends exchanged glances, and some of them stared guiltily at the floor.   They only felt guilty because she'd found out about their stupid bets.   She turned to walk away when Bryant grabbed her hand, "No, wait. Let me explain."   She shook him off and ran toward her house. She couldn't stand his presence any longer. She needed to be alone.   'I'm so sorry.'   Her wolf finally stirred in her mind after ignoring her for several months. 'It's okay. I'm sorry he did this to you. But do you understand why I want you to wait for your mate? He's the only one who can love us.'   'You're right. I was foolish to think I could ever have a relationship with anyone else. I'll wait for my mate no matter how long it takes.'   ***   END OF FLASHBACK:   "Freya? Freya!"   Her train of thought came to a halt as Evelyn continued to angrily link her with her thoughts. Her she-wolf shook out her fur and eyed her she-wolf curiously. Evelyn gave Freya a wide grin, her hazel eyes flashing with amusement.   'Did your mate just pull your tail?'   Freya groaned, 'How many people saw that?'   Evelyn was busy sniffing a tree stump, but she turned and grinned, 'A lot of people. I'm pretty sure people were shocked to see the big bad alpha pulling a tail. How perverted. Didn't think he was into that sort of thing.'   'Shut up,' Freya growled, thankful they were in wolf form so Evelyn couldn't see her blush.   'Do you want me to educate you on naughty things?'   'Eve!'   She shook out her black fur and gave Freya a smug smile, 'You're so innocent.'   Freya sparkled at her and looked around at the other wolves. They were just waiting for the pack warriors to give them the all clear signal.   "Princess."   Her wolf turned to her father's wolf and respectfully bowed her head. His wolf looked at her carefully to make sure they hadn't been hurt in the time he'd been gone, and walked toward her. He brushed his fur over theirs so that his scent would stick to them. His wolf laid his head on hers and licked her ear.   "Daddy!" she complained, trying to move away.   "I am trying to protect you from the unmated males, sweetie. They will take advantage of your wolf form and try to attack you. You know they're hornier in wolf form."   She growled and let him continue licking her ears and neck. When he was satisfied, his wolf puffed out his chest and growled appreciatively.   "Good, now no one will touch you. Where's your brother? I'll have to do the same to him. Some of the females in the pack can get a little too playful for my taste."   Just as the words left his mouth, Oliver's wolf approached them. Nathan immediately jumped up to lick his ears, but Oliver yelped and ran off with Nathan chasing after him.   Oliver found it so embarrassing when his dad wanted to rub his scent on him, which it was, since they were adult wolves, but that didn't stop his dad.   Evelyn's wolf nudged Freya, and they heard the howl of the pack warriors, letting them know it was safe to run.   Freya's wolf yelped and ran into the forest, following the mass of wolves. She sighed happily, forgetting everything that was happening around her as she ran her heart out.   It was a great feeling to be so free.   ***   Zack stayed out of Freya's way as much as possible the next day. He didn't want her to think that just because his wolf was in love with her, he was too. She seemed to have noticed his behavior, but didn't say a word. He only felt her eyes following him, sometimes scrutinizing him.   Then he wondered if she really wanted him. Most she-wolves would have tried to talk to him and get closer to him by now.   She pretended not to feel the attraction, and it bothered him - much more than he cared to admit, thanks to his wolf's constant grumbling. It got under his skin.   Zack shook his head to get rid of his thoughts, but he couldn't. 'There's no point in doubting whether she want me or not. Of course she want me. She's probably one of those mates who clings to her mate as much as they can, practically worshipping his feet. Someone had to do it, and it's obviously not me. I've to take care of my pack.'   His wolf growled at his thoughts, which gave Zack pause.   "This is ridiculous," he muttered, putting the pen down and rubbing his throbbing temples.   He couldn't concentrate on anything today. His thoughts turned to only two things: rogues and Freya. She was supposed to go into heat today, and he was just waiting for someone to send him a mind-link about it.   He'd no idea what he would do when he found out. His wolf hadn't commented on it yet, but Zack knew he was ready to mark her as soon as she started her heat cycle, which was out of the question.   Zack honestly felt bad for the female wolves. They'd to go through menstrual cycles, oestrus/ heat cycles, and the pain of childbirth. It was a never-ending ordeal, even if there were a few good results.   His wolf happily interfered with his thoughts and produced a picture of a pregnant Freya.   Zack quickly shook his head before he could even voice his thoughts on the image and ran his hand through his hair, 'Son of a bitch.'   Suddenly, an intoxicating smell flooded through the door and made him freeze.   The smell of honey buns mixed with something equally intoxicating filled his nostrils. He bit his lip as the intoxicating scent grew stronger with each passing moment. His heart pounded wildly in his chest as his jeans tightened around his crotch. On the other side, his wolf growled and clawed at him, demanding to be released.   A shiver ran down his spine as he stared at the door, half shocked and half aroused.   Freya had finally come into heat.
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