Chapter 28 The Pursuit

1579 Words
Looking at the dark industrial area, Li Kong took out a small bright flashlight from his battle uniform. When he was about to set off, Zhang Han asked him to wear the battle uniform. There were small bags on the left and right sides of the battle uniform, which contained all kinds of useful tools. This tight battle uniform was not only comfortable but was also protective. The strong light immediately lit up the dark industrial area and Li Kong carefully explored forward. Since this industrial area had been abandoned for fifty years, many of its walls had been smudged, and it was no exaggeration to describe it as a heap of rubble. Tipped-over boxes and fragments revealed how people left in a hurry at that time. Many buildings had even collapsed, losing their original shape. He pushed open a tattered box that was blocking his way and dust instantly filled the entire space. Li Kong waved his hand in an attempt to disperse it, but the dust that filled the air immediately choked him. He checked the time and found that half an hour had passed. "Have they found any useful clues?" Li Kong stopped and thought quietly. With his search speed, it would take him another half an hour to reach the central smelting pool, so he had to speed up. His teammates were already very close to the meeting spot. "Captain, I think we are lucky. I found traces of Dai Xin. Come and support me." Xu Qing's voice suddenly sounded from the communication device that Li Kong was wearing. "Don't act rashly. I will come immediately." Zhang Han's voice rang out immediately. "No! He noticed me. Come quickly." Not long after, Xu Qing's panic voice came from the communication device. Obviously, she was dodging Dai Xin's attack. Looking at his position, Li Kong found that he was closest to Xu Qing, so he immediately sped up to where Xu Qing was. "Delay him first. I'll be there soon." Li Kong hurriedly said. "Bang! Bang! Bang!" The continuous crashing sounds could be heard _ it was obvious that Xu Qing had already started fighting with Dai Xin. Xu Qing did not expect that she saw Dai Xin cleaning his wound, for was just curious about her former workplace and came to take a look. She planned to hide first and wait for the team members to come over and catch him. However, she did not expect that Dai Xin was so vigilant like that. He immediately found her hiding spot in the dark. If she had not reacted quickly and dodged Dai Xin's attack, what she had suffered would be more than a minor injury. Xu Qing, who had been discovered, immediately informed all the team members about her situation. There was a huge difference between the Third Grade and the Fourth Grade, so even though Dai Xin was seriously injured, he was still overwhelmingly stronger than Xu Qing. "You really can smell it. I haven't even rested enough and you are already here." He said as he attacked Xu Qing with magic skills. "Tut-tut. The heavens have treated me well to bring a beauty here." Dai Xin's eyes were full of desire, but he did not stop attacking at all. Although this woman was beautiful enough to interest him, it was already too late. Her teammates must have been rushing over, so he had to end the battle quickly and then evacuate from this exposed place. Otherwise, he would die if he dragged on since he was wounded. "You lecher! Very soon, you will receive your retribution. I want to see if you can still smile in that case." Xu Qing struggled to avoid the incoming attacks. She knew that Dai Xin had all his powerful attacks from countless b****y experiences. His attacks were all very tricky in both timing and angle of attack. Therefore, she had to be more than alert so that she could successfully stall him and wait for her teammates to come to her rescue. "I know what you are thinking right now." Dai Xin blinked his eyes and showed a kind smile. Normally, this smile would make people think that he was just a simple and honest person, but when it appeared on Dai Xin's face, it was strange. "Are you trying to hold me back and wait for your teammates to meet up with you to catch me?" Dai Xin's friendly smile gradually became crazy. "Then you are dreaming. You won't have the chance to see your teammates. I will kill you and then peel off your skin as my collection." Although Xu Qing had experienced many b****y things, she could not help but shiver after hearing Dai Xin's words. She took a deep breath and calmed down. She began to find an opportunity to fight back. It was definitely not easy for Dai Xin to move with serious injuries, so as long as she could take advantage of that, she could win some time for herself. But she immediately felt that something was wrong, She could not move. She was frightened, unable to find out what was going on and why she could not move. But when she wanted to speak, she found that she could not even open her mouth because her body was immobilized. "Haha, you all think that I am just a wind element mage, but you are all wrong. I do not only have the wind element but also have the dark element. You are the first and only one to know this secret, so you will be my first collection." Dai Xin dragged his heavily injured body slowly towards Xu Qing. The approaching sound of his footsteps, like the countdown of death, slowly entered Xu Qing's ears. Fear filled Xu Qing's eyes. She tried to break free from his magic skill, but no matter how hard she struggled, she could not move. "Xu Qing, hold on. I'll be there soon." "I'm almost there. Hold on a little longer." "Xu Qing, answer me if you hear me." "Xu Qing..." The voice of her teammate kept ringing in her ears. She tried to respond, but her mouth could not open no matter what. "Am I going to die like this? Second Brother, don't blame me. I'm going to accompany Eldest Brother." Tears flowed down from the corners of Xu Qing's eyes. Li Kong thought, "This is bad. Something must happen to Sister Qing. I have to hurry up." Without Xu Qing's response, Li Kong immediately realized that something might have gone wrong. He was already very fast at first, then he sped up to be even faster. "Hahaha, you can die in peace." Reaching out to stroke Xu Qing's skin, Dai Xin swung a streak of light towards Xu Qing's head. At the critical moment, a scorching red light shot from the side of Dai Xin. Sensing the attack behind him, Dai Xin could not continue to kill Xu Qing. He suddenly dodged to the side to avoid the powerful attack. A figure wearing a ghost mask slowly appeared from the darkness. "Who is it?" Dai Xin retreated to the side and stared at the Masked Man. But when he saw the battle uniform of the guard, he immediately understood. Looking at Xu Qing who could not move, he laughed and said, "Beauty, your teammate is here. Do you think he can save you?" Xu Qing's eyes flashed. She wanted Li Kong to run away quickly, but she couldn't open her mouth and could only watch anxiously. Seeing that Xu Qing was unable to move, Li Kong asked sternly, "Dai Xin, what did you do to her?" "Well, if you want to know the answer, follow me then." After saying that, Dai Xin suddenly set off and flew into the distance. He knew that he had to leave. If he stayed here any longer, he would never be able to leave. "Sister Qing, the captain will be here soon." Li Kong did not hesitate to follow. His conscience did not allow him to stay there and let such a person who did evil escape. Moreover, he did not know how to undo Xu Qing's magic skill. In short, he had to keep up. Dai Xin thought, "If he really dares to follow me, I will definitely make him die an ugly death." Dai Xin did not expect that this person wearing the ghost mask was really catching up. He immediately increased his speed. Since that man dared to chase after him, his strength was definitely about the same as when he was at his peak. So Dai Xin became afraid, afraid of dying here, and afraid that Lord Ghost's plan would fail. Just like that, the two of them ran in the direction of the industrial zone. "Xu Qing, are you alright?" Not long after Li Kong left with Dai Xin, Zhang Han appeared in front of Xu Qing. Looking at Xu Qing who was unable to move, Zhang Han became anxious, but no matter how he called out to Xu Qing, she still could not speak or move. If not for the fact that she was still breathing and her eyes were still turning around, he would have thought that Xu Qing was dead. "Captain." Ma Yulin and Tieqiang also rushed over. Looking at the motionless Xu Qing, they anxiously asked, "What happened to Xu Qing?" "I don't know either." Zhang Han answered anxiously.
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