Chapter 37 Investigate the Glacial Pavilion at Night

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Seeing Lin Yao's actions, Zhou Kai frowned. He was very surprised by Lin Yao's actions. As soon as Li Kong left, she went directly to look for Zhao Qingyun. It was ridiculous for her to propose a one-on-one fight with Zhao Qingyun. This was clearly to flatter Zhao Qingyun. He wanted to see what Lin Yao was going to do. In the dueling arena, not many people knew about this duel, but there were also some well-informed people who had already arrived at the dueling arena to wait. "I never fight girls. I'll let you make the first move." Zhao Qingyun said confidently. After all this, he knew that he was still no match for Li Kong, but he did not think that this beautiful girl could defeat him. Since he was stronger than her, he naturally had to maintain his gentlemanly demeanor. "Brother Zhao is really lucky this time. Now that Li Kong is not here, who can suppress Brother Zhao's light?" Li Zijian flattered exactly. The excitement in his eyes was not concealed at all, as if he was standing on the stage. Liu Kexin naturally also arrived. In fact, he had always thought that Lin Yao and Li Kong were a couple, but he did not expect that after Li Kong left, she actually took the initiative to look for Zhao Qingyun. This kind of behavior made her feel disgusted. "Okay, then I won't be polite. You have to remember our bet." She smiled at Zhao Qingyun. Her beautiful face looked perfect under the sunlight. Zhao Qingyun was stunned by this smile and stood there in a daze, "Alright, you can do it." "Thunderstorm." A huge bolt of lightning instantly formed in Lin Yao's hand and was then ruthlessly smashed towards Zhao Qingyun. Zhao Qingyun's expression changed. This was already far beyond what he could bear. The green and blue lights continuously formed a protective layer, protecting it within. "Boom!" The giant lightning struck Zhao Qingyun's body, sending him flying into the ground. Zhao Qingyun spat out a mouthful of blood and collapsed to the ground. Seeing this result, everyone below the stage was petrified. This beautiful-looking girl was actually so strong. Zhou Kai's mouth twitched. He was secretly glad that he did not say that he wanted to fight for Li Kong. Otherwise, the one lying on the stage would probably be him. "Level three mage." Liu Leyang exclaimed. He never thought that this beautiful girl was actually a level three mage. "Damn, she's so strong." Zhou Kai exclaimed. "We should stay away from her in the future. Otherwise, there will be more than one unlucky guy like Zhao Qingyun." Lin Yao clapped her hands and smiled as she walked down the stage. The rumors on campus rose again, and dark waves surged. "Did Lin Jin find out where Li Kong went?" Lin Yao asked, but there was nothing else around him except the air. Suddenly, the air around Lin Yao slowly blurred, and then a young man dressed in gold appeared in her field of vision. "Miss Lin, he went to Magic Guard. Right, Yin?" Lin Jin explained. "Yes, he went to Magic Guard." "What is he going there for?" Lin Yao was puzzled. It seemed that he was not because of what happened at noon. "I don't know, right, Yin?" "Yes, I don't know." "Oh, even the two of you don't know it?" Lin Yao fell into deep thought, but she soon revealed a smile and narrowed her crescent eyes. The night quietly approached, and the warm Glacial Pavilion Town night seemed particularly refreshing. The people here seemed to like the night very much. The streets were empty by day, but the night was very lively. People constantly came out from various places to join in the night celebrations. Seeing this phenomenon, the people who had originally planned to act had to give up on the night scout and delay it until late at night. Looking at the lively town, everyone decided to go around again to see if they could find new clues. The people in the town were very excited, but compared to noon, their attitudes had a complete change. Everyone seemed to hate outsiders. When they saw the guards, they moved away and their eyes were full of anger. At first, they were just cursing, but the closer he got to the Glacial Pavilion Town, the more irritable their temper became, and they seemed to have the tendency to surround everyone. Everyone felt that the situation was bad, so they had no choice but to slip away. So a spectacular scene appeared. A bunch of villagers chased after five people and ran wildly in the town. The guards ran all the way and finally ran out of the town, but they found something embarrassing. All their things were in the hotel, but it seemed that it was impossible to return. "This place is indeed strange. The attitude of the people here during the day and at night is completely different." Tieqiang panted. "I feel that these people are strange at night. Every one of them has a dense aura." Li Kong was very sensitive to auras, but he had just noticed that he was being chased by the villagers. It was only now that he had the chance to tell this news to everyone. "It seems that it is necessary for us to investigate that Glacial Pavilion tonight." Zhang Han touched his chin and pondered. "But Captain, where are we going now?" Tieqiang asked. Hearing Tieqiang's words, everyone had no choice but to find a spacious place to make a simple camp. Tonight, they would investigate the Glacial Pavilion and then quietly sneak back tomorrow to bring back their luggage. However, after this mess, it would be very unfavorable for their future investigation. The sizzling sound of the bonfire and the crickets in the forest played pleasant music together. "Listen, Li Kong and I will go and investigate the Glacial Pavilion later. You guys will support us outside. Do you have any objections?" Zhang Han arranged. "No." Everyone agreed. They knew that although Li Kong's level was low, his strength was definitely enough to carry out a scouting mission, so they did not have any objections to Zhang Han's arrangements. "Alright, let's get ready." With Zhang Han's order, everyone began to get busy. They sneaked into Glacial Pavilion Town. It was early in the morning, so there was no one on the street. They quickly approached the Glacial Pavilion, but there was no sound coming from beneath their feet. Li Kong couldn't help but sigh. As expected of mages who had been through the battlefield for a long time. Just this concealment method was already very powerful. When they arrived in front of the Glacial Pavilion, the sinister aura once again spread throughout Li Kong's body. "Captain, I always feel that this place is the most dangerous place, so we have to be careful." Li Kong suggested. "Everyone split up. Li Kong and I will go in and investigate." Zhang Han instructed. Hearing the captain speak, Xu Qing, Tieqiang, and Ma Yulin respectively jumped to the left, right, and behind, and the figure slowly blended into the faint light. If one did not know that there was someone, he or she would not have been able to see it. Seeing Li Kong's surprised expression, Zhang Han explained, "There are ways to do this. I'll teach you after this mission is completed." "Okay, let's go." Li Kong suppressed his excitement and reminded him. Then, the two of them jumped up to the second floor with ease. They touched the building that was made of an unknown material. Li Kong pressed down hard and found that the material used to build this building was shockingly soft. Zhang Han also discovered this strange phenomenon, but due to the urgency of time, they did not stay too long and quickly entered the attic passage. It was not as dark as they had imagined. The faint blue light emitted from the walls and provided enough light to the room. They walked in through the passage. There was a room on both sides of the passage. The room was tightly blocked by two iron doors. The two huge iron locks on each door showed the closure and firmness of the iron doors. They continued to walk down the passage. An ancient wooden door seemed out of place with the surrounding walls. With a light push, the wooden door was slowly opened. Li Kong was stunned. This was a stark contrast from the iron doors just now. A soft light came out from the inside. They quietly looked inside. There was nothing but a simple and unadorned table, not even a chair. They pushed open the door and walked in. The inside was so empty that it made people panic. They checked carefully and found no valuable information. The two quietly left the room. Soon they reached the end of the passage, and there was nothing else except the dusty stairs. "This staircase is also very strange. This passageway is so clean, but it seems like no one has walked through this staircase for a long time." Li Kong whispered. "This place is too strange. The difference between the two places is too large. Why don't we go to the first floor and take a look?" Zhang Han asked. After considering for a while, Li Kong nodded.
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