Chapter 78 The Monster Old Man Reappears

2239 Words

"Bang," Zhang Han's skill impacted Li Kong's body without any frills. Even though Li Kong's body was wrapped in a five-colored magic shield but still violently slid backward a large distance, and finally crashed into a large tree before forcibly stopping his body. Shaking off the half of his body that had gone numb, Li Kong carefully surveyed Zhang Han until he saw his eyes and realized why Zhang Han had attacked himself. Crap, the captain is still trapped in a mental illusion formation, I don't know what he's going through in there, I have to find a way to wake him up. Li Kong kept thinking darkly in his heart, but there was nothing he could do for a while, which made his heart incomparably anxious. Zhang Han was still in the world wrapped in yellow smoke, and one enemy after another

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