
The Billion Dollar Contract

arranged marriage

Nicole Robinson is a 27years old beautiful and cheerful waitress, who works at the VIP section of a lounge bar. She began to make ends meet at quite a young age, after the death of her mother, and wanted nothing more in life than to live a very comfortable and adventurous life, without having to worry about anything. She covers a shift for a friend, and that night, Nicole's whole life changes. She is tempted with a mouthwatering offer, that she never imagined, even in her wildest dreams.

Gabriel Harrison, a handsome looking wealthy businessman, born into an aristocratic family, yet still one of New York's most wanted bachelor at age forty. Gabriel, though on the outside is seen as a strong-minded businessman, on the inside, he is tormented by a past relationship he couldn't save, and has promised never to commit himself to another.

Under much pressure from his mother, to fall in love again, and the public, to get married, Gabriel decides to hire someone to play the role of his fiancée for six months, to get everyone's attention away from his personal life.

What will Gabriel do when he begins to have feelings for his fake fiancée? Will he go ahead and open his heart to love again or will he end the contract before it even ends?

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Chapter 1
Gabriel was sitting in his office, thinking about his ex girlfriend, Ashley. Flashback “I’m sick and tired of this Gabriel!” Ashley angrily said. Gabriel was confused and shocked at her outburst. He just got back from the office and wasn’t expecting this sort of welcome. “What are you talking about?” “Aargh!” Ashley angrily exclaimed “You still don’t get it, do you?” she asked, frustrated with his cluelessness. “If you make it a lot clearer, I guess I’d get a better picture of what you’re on about” “I HATE YOU GABRIEL!” she spat. Gabriel was taken aback by that. “I’ve been waiting for you for the past three hours, Gabriel, so we would go on the stupid date you promised, but once again you didn’t show up or should I say, you were too busy to show up.” Then it hit Gabriel like a ton of bricks. He totally forgot about the date he had promised Ashley. Now, he feels really guilty. He has no excuse this time, other than the fact that he forgot about it. “Baby, I’m sorry. I totally forgot about it because of an urgent meeting I had to attend” “Great. Just great! You always have something important to deal with. What about me, huh! Is your company more important than me?!” Gabriel didn’t like where this argument was going. He loves Ashley, but his company is also important to him. “I’m sorry, okay? I’ll make it up to you” he said not wanting to get into an argument with her. “I DON’T WANT THAT, OKAY?!” she yelled “You always say that, but never keep your words. You always come up with new excuses. You’re just incredible, Gabriel!” she replied, stating the last part with sarcasm. “You suck at this Gabe..” “Ashley, can we please not continue this conversation. I promise to make up for my mistake. If you like, we can have tomorrow to ourselves.” Gabriel suggested, hoping to make Ashley calm down and feel a lot better. He won’t deny the fact that he was a terrible boyfriend. “After tomorrow, then what?” she asked. Gabriel looked perplexed, not understanding what Ashley was trying to say. Ashley closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, getting herself prepared for the next thing she is about to say. “I don’t think us having tomorrow to ourselves would be necessary. I already moved my things. I was only waiting for you to come home so I could tell you in person.” “What do you mean you moved your things?” “I can’t continue living like this, Gabriel. You make me sick. So, I think it’s best we end this.” Gabriel couldn’t hide the surprise on his face. Ashley not only mentioned her moving her things out of the house, she wants them to break up. “Are you trying to break up with me?” he asked, wanting to get a better understanding of what she just said. “I’m not trying, Gabe. I’m breaking up with you.” Gabriel was devastated by her statement. He watched as Ashley walked out the door without looking back. She couldn’t even give them a second chance. She just left, leaving him completely broken. End Of Flashback That incident happened five years ago and Gabriel still can’t get it out of his head. It still remains fresh, he doesn’t think he’d ever forget that day. That is the reason why he is more dedicated to his work now more than ever, because he knows that’s the only thing that loves and understands him, but his mom thinks otherwise. His parents are worried about him. They want him to move on and find someone new, most especially his mom. She calls in every month to find out if he has gotten a new girlfriend. She is really desperate to become a grandma but Gabriel isn’t buying that. Flashback “Gabe, my son, you have to listen to me. You need to move on, forget about Ashley. If she actually loved you, she wouldn’t have left the way she did.” “Mom please, can we not talk about this.” “We have to, honey. You aren’t getting any younger. You’ll be forty in a couple of months, Gabe. Stop hurting yourself living like this, she isn’t worth it.” “I need to get back to work, mom. I’ll talk to you later.” “Just what I was talking about. Stop drowning yourself in work. Go outside, mingle, make new friends… Baby, do it for your mom.” “Hmmn… I’ll think about it.” “There is nothing to think about. I want to find out that you have a new girlfriend the next time I call you, okay?” “But, mo..” “Bye honey” and with that, his mom hung up. End Of Flashback That was the last discussion he had with his mom. He was under a lot of pressure, not just from his mom but also from the public and press, who were already terming him with so many sexualities. He has to come up with something and he has to think fast.

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