Chapter Fifty-Eight. Davina.

1572 Words

Chapter Fifty-Eight. Davina. Fear pulses through my body as I look at the doctor's face. Something is clearly troubling her. I wish she would just tell me what the hell is happening. I really do not know how much more of this I can take. “The good news is your son is going to be absolutely fine. He is a medical mystery though. He has a mild concussion, and a couple of broken ribs, which we will strap up, but his MRI scan shows that he has no internal injuries. From what your friends tell us, there was a significant amount of blood from his head, yet now we cannot even find a cut. Although there is evidence of a fractured skull with dried blood around his ears and out of his nose, we can find no damage at all. We would like to keep him overnight though, for observation, and to do some m

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