Chapter Seventy-One. Davina.

2380 Words

Chapter Seventy-One. Davina. I wish I had the forethought to put Max into his PJs before driving home. But sadly, I did not. My pup is tired out, and although we set off earlier so that he could enjoy his toys in his bath, he must have been utterly exhausted. All the shifting, running and mental agility training Mars has been doing with him has taken its toll on his small body. I refuse to wake him up for a bath, so now I just need to navigate getting his clothes off him, and into his sleepwear without waking up my little alpha. I will just have to bathe him in the morning before his first day of term. Max must be in a deep sleep because he doesn’t even stir as I pull his hoodie over his head, and I manage to get him changed and tucked in. Kissing his head good night, wondering where M

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