Chapter Thirty-Six. Ares and Mars.

1962 Words

Chapter Thirty-Six. Ares and Mars. Ares Point of View. Hell yeah, I am out and free, and ready to sniff my mate and revel in her delicious scent. I can hear Mars protesting in the back of my mind, but I am going to ignore him, what does he know anyway? Stupid human. This is my time with our mate, and I am going to make the most of it. My tail is wagging ten to the dozen with pure elation, as I head towards my absolutely gorgeous mate and pup. “Carefully, don’t spook her,” Mars tells me. Stupid human, as if I don’t know what I am doing. She is fine, stronger than Mars gives her credit for. Do I wish she was a werewolf? Definitely not. She is perfect just as she is. Would this all be easier if she was? Probably, but there is no fun in easy. Anything worth having in this world takes

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