Chapter Fifty. Davina.

2048 Words

Chapter Fifty. Davina. Finally, I log off from work, thankful that I only had to work two days this week. Max has been a little star today. He has been as good as gold. Although the weather has turned a little cooler, than last week, it didn’t rain, so he spent a lot of his time playing in our small back garden. At one point I could here him pretending to have a pack, made up of all his cuddly toys and action figures. I wondered if that was his game, or Thrax’s idea. However, it did make me feel a little sad that my son would never experience pack life for real. I packed away my works laptop’s and headphones, then walked outside, smiling at my pup. Oh, I think Mars is rubbing off on me, calling Max my pup. Anyway, he looks up and runs over to me, happily cheering as he knows my working

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