Chapter Thirty-Eight. Davina.

2040 Words

Chapter Thirty-Eight. Davina. The trip to the many shops of Berwick town centre has my feet aching, and my embarrassment mixed with a hint of anger swirling in my stomach. I so much as look at and item as if I am interested and Mars grabs it, adding it to the load of stuff he has bought. I hate that he is spending so much money, it is as if it is nothing. Trust me, when you have lived on nothing, every penny counts, and I cannot bare to see anyone haphazardly spending when they don’t need to. “We really don’t need that giant pack of Tupperware. I was only looking,” I sigh out, as Mars simply shrugs. “Did you, or did you not say you always wanted a cupboard organised in Tupperware, rather than having to open the door, and search for ages for the things you need to cook with?” he asks,

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