Chapter Eighty-Four. Mars. Mars Point of View.

1467 Words

Chapter Eighty-Four. Mars. Mars Point of View. “Uncle Justin, if you are going to be part of my secret pack, you have to learn to run,” Max tells Justin, who is even more red in the face than usual, as he huffs and puffs, whilst grumbling about feeling that he is about to have a heart attack. He isn’t, I can hear that although his heart rate is elevated, it is beating normally for a person exercising. Honestly, if he put as much effort into the run as he did complaining about it, he would have done a lot better than he thought possible. Sweat is pouring off his body, as he grabs at the top of his thighs, in a bid to recover. I don’t laugh, or make a comment, as he is not used to any form of physical exercise. “Hey Justin, you did well,” Ronan encourages him with a smile. “Thanks

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