Carly I can't believe my mom has invited the McKinleys of all people. I had to put up with Alijah. Yes, I and mom had a conversation about the McKinleys' we know all about the great River McKenley, mom's ex-boyfriend and my father's bully-like father-like stepdaughter aye? What they didn't know was Alijah McKenley. His father was part of the RAF until a few years back when he suffered from PTSD, like my uncle. I can't believe I have to sit through supper with that arrogant jerk. He's forever tormenting me at school. So do his so-called friends. But he is worse, way worse I just wish he would crawl under a brick and die. I know it sounds a little harsh but no one knows what it's like to be by day in and day out being tormented by him. I give as good as I get but the jerk still forin