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My grandma was pleasantly surprised. She came closer to me and held my hands, "this isn't a coincidence my child. I know you eventually have to accept one of them as your mate but for now, you can work with all three of them and get them to put an end to their feud with one other. Once you have achieved that, you can find out who our enemy is." I immediately recalled my encounter with the three awesome men this morning. The way I felt when all three stood in front of me is something I would never be able to explain. How could I work with all three of them? I was only eighteen, I never asked to be a werewolf and I never asked to be anyone's mate or live my life in fear. All I had ever wanted was to live the rest of my life with Jason. If my body had not changed, we would have still been together. Those three men were not only way older than me but were out of my league. Trying to believe that this all made sense would be tantamount to living in a fool's paradise. I freed my hands from my grandma's and stared at her apologetically, "I'm sorry grandma but, I don't think I can do this." I could see the look of sadness on her face but I just couldn't do what she was asking of me. I excused myself and ran out of the house. As I took a walk, I thought about everything that was happening. "This wasn't real" I kept telling myself. This was a prank and my grandma was surely in on it. But how could I explain the changes my body had undergone and the new abilities I had developed? Maybe it was all in my head. Perhaps if my grandma was actually a werewolf, everything she said would have made more sense to me. If everything wasn't a prank and my grandpa really wanted me to unite the three packs, then I was sorry to let him down. I recalled how Matt has kissed me, the way Alex had hugged me, and how my body had felt when Evans held my hands. I knew they were all big shots but how could it be possible that I wanted each of them to f**k me? This was no way to live and I needed to do something. Perhaps I could see a shrink and ask him how to stop craving so many men all at once. I still needed to get back to Madison. I had to work to support myself and I needed to fill out my college application forms. I had thought that meeting my grandma would make me feel better but other than telling me that my grandfather was a werewolf, she had not really been of help to me. If anything, I now felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders. I looked around the neighborhood. Nothing had changed but at the same time, nothing felt the same. I thought about stopping to greet a few people but decided against it. I wasn't in a good mood and I couldn't take the risk of changing in front of anyone. When I got back home in the evening, my grandma had made dinner. She set the table and asked me to join in and I happily obliged her. I had missed her cooking so much since I was a terrible cook myself. After eating I smiled at her, "thanks so much grandma. As always, dinner was lovely." She didn't return my smile but asked, "you were out all day and I know you have a lot going on for you, and as I said before, I don't want to force you to do whatever you don't want to do but I need to be absolutely sure. What is your decision concerning what I asked?" I took her hands this time, "grandma, I don't want this life. I want to live a successful but simple life, free from drama. I don't need any mate or any werewolf. I have a boyfriend who I love and I'm going to make things right between us. I will go back tomorrow because I need to fill out my college application forms. I hope you understand and respect my decision." My grandma hugged me, "of course my love, I'll support anything that makes you happy." I thanked my grandma and told her all about how I navigated high school life with multiple jobs and a hot boyfriend. I said goodbye to her the next morning and went back to Madison. When I arrived at my house, I observed it from a distance and noticed that everywhere seemed calm and everything was okay. I heaved a sigh of relief and let myself into my house. I needed to get to college but I wanted to get enough rest first. I showered and had a change of clothes before lying on my bed. To my surprise, I began to feel very horny. I checked my calendar and realized that my ovulation was still far away. I usually felt this way during that period and my desire for s*x during that time wasn't even close to what I was experiencing at the moment. I curled my body into a ball and tried to inhibit my s****l desires by thinking about different things but nothing worked. I didn't want to touch myself. The idea of m**********g didn't appeal to me. I began to feel miserable as my body contracted. If Jason hadn't broken up with me, he would have helped me out at a time like this. However, I knew that if I called him now, he wasn't going to take my calls. After a while, I decided to keep busy. Perhaps that was going to help me forget about my s****l needs. I quickly changed into a different set of clothes and got ready. I realized that I was seriously wet and wiped myself clean before leaving the house. I got to college and did everything I wanted. Within a twinkling of an eye, I was done. I didn't know what else to do and I didn't want to go back home. I decided to search for Jason, I believed he loved me so if I asked him for s*x, I was convinced that he wouldn't turn me down. After searching around campus for him, I was finally told by a student I asked that he would be at the cafeteria. I found my way to the cafeteria but stopped when I saw Jason with another girl. They both sat down with their tray of food in front of them and their backs to me. I instantly recognized him by the shape of his back, head, and jacket. The girl looked really pretty and classy as opposed to me who was a nobody. I still wanted to approach him, perhaps she could be just a friend. However, at that moment, Jason pulled her closer and locked lips with her. I gasped in shock and ended up dropping my phone on the floor. Jason turned just as I bent to pick up my phone. He stared at me in surprise as I struggled to control the tears threatening to fall from my eyes. I turned and ran away from the college, regretting that I had allowed myself to pick the same one as him. Now I was going to bear the torture of seeing him every day. As I took a taxi home, I cried throughout the journey. I cried, even more, when I looked at my cracked screen. I had worked so hard to afford a quality phone and now its screen was broken. I went straight to my bed the moment I arrived home, feeling worse than I did in the afternoon. My desire for s*x had become even stronger and I finally admitted to myself that something was wrong with me. My phone began to ring and after picking up the call with difficulty, I hung up the moment I heard Alex's voice. I wasn't willing to be dragged into any feud or be anyone's mate. I heard a knock on my door and wondered if it was Alex. Despite how much I told myself that I didn't want to have anything to do with any of them, the thought of the possibility that he could be at my door got me more excited. I quickly ran to my door and opened it. I told myself that if it was Alex or any one of my three supposed mates, I will let him in to satisfy my desires and say goodbye afterward. Jason was the one in front of my door and I wouldn't say I wasn't surprised when I saw him. "I am very sorry, baby about what happened today," he said. Without letting him finish, my desire beclouded my sense of judgment. I pulled him inside and began to kiss him and he responded with a fiery passion. However, the scene of him kissing that beautiful girl in college suddenly popped into my head and I felt repulsed. We had almost made it to my bed when I pushed him away. I didn't realize I had used too much force until he hit his back on the wall and screamed out in pain. "I am so sorry" I exclaimed and ran to him. I help him up off the floor and when he was on his two feet, he pulled me closer and tried to kiss me." I moved to the side, opened my door, and gestured for him to leave. "I'm sorry Jason but you called me a monster, broke up with me and I saw you kissing another girl. You should leave." "I am sorry my love" Jason replied. "I don't know what came over me. I love you so much and..." I pushed him out and shut my door before he could complete his sentence. I was feeling some type of way but more than that I needed to get laid. I couldn't do it with Jason though because I now found him repulsive and I attributed it to the fact that my mind had captured the moment I saw him kissing another girl. I sat on the floor in frustration and thought about what happened yesterday. Could I be feeling this way because I was now a werewolf? I took my laptop and made a little research. It turned out that they were a few werewolves who were in heat most of the time. Why did I have to fall among the minority? My phone rang again and when I picked it up, I realized that Alex was the caller, when will this guy give up? I asked myself. I was about to hang up when he said, "I am close to your house right now and I don't want to take you by surprise like I did the last time. I know you are there because I can perceive your scent. Please wait for me, I just want us to talk." He ended the call before I could say anything and I knew that there was absolutely no way I was going to resist him. Just the thought that he was close got me more wet. I sat where I was, unable to move and breathing loudly until I heard a knock on my door. I opened it without asking who it was and saw Alex. He had a takeaway bag in his hand. I kept staring at him as I took in his features. He was so tall and handsome and I so badly wanted to control myself around him but my brain seemed to have stopped working. I perceived the same amazing scent which had enticed me yesterday while he smiled and said, "just in case you didn't cook, I brought dinner." I opened my door, let him in without saying a word, and shut it when he was inside. He noticed the way I was staring at him and asked, "are you okay?" I nodded my head, unable to utter any words until he reached out his hand and touched my neck. His touch felt so good and I instinctively moved closer, much closer to him until there was no distance between us and my boobs were touching his body. He held both sides of my face and I could tell he saw the desire in my eyes. "Your body feels hot. Are you sure you are okay?" I looked up at him and mustered all the courage I needed. I knew I was going to regret my actions in the morning but all that mattered to me was now. I ran my palms on the fabric covering his abs and when he brought his face closer to mine, I whispered, "I want you to f**k me."
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