
2522 Words

The only thing that could be heard was the slurping and the chewing of Xander. He was chowing down on the large lobster and he would slurp the meat out of the clams shells. It was making Scarlett sick to her stomach, or Shawn kissing up and down her neck was the cause of her upset stomach. A growl of her stomach was heard and Forest's eyes snapped over to her and he looked at her with so much worry. He wondered when the last time she ate was. "Oh Scarlett, baby, why don't you eat?" Shawn said with faux worry and Xander and Shawn burst out laughing because all three of their guests were still bound to their chairs with a five-star meal in front of them. "That was a good one, Shawn!" Xander said and Goose's face scrunched up and was about to criticise the joke, but Forest glared at him to

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