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Blair: Let’s go now to my house, Mom already left. Jay: I’m on my way with Raf now. Blair: How about the others? Sarah: Me and Cee are also on our way now. Cj together with Aldrin and others will go later. Blair: Okay, take care. Just enter the house when you arrive. Jay buys alcohol first before going here. Raf: Chok is with us, he said he would buy food because he wouldn’t drink. Blair: Nice one! I was thrilled to know that Chok will be here later! He is my boy best friend. He has never really drunk alcohol before because he preferred to drink coffee. I just fixed the house before they get here. Dixie was just staying in her bedroom. Our house is not that big though, just a typical house in a subdivision. There are two bedrooms upstairs, then a terrace, one comfort room downstairs next to the living room and dining area, then our kitchen was outside then a gate. Dixie also did not know what our mom did to me earlier. It was ten in the evening when mom left the house. I just played mobile legends on our terrace to ease my boredom and while I am waiting for my friends to come. I can see from here who is coming. Dixie already knew that we have another drink here at home, she didn't care at all since she also knew my friends. My body hurts so much, I also feel like I have wounds or bruises on my thigh but I just ignored it. I was wearing pajamas as if I was already going to sleep. Just so I can cover my legs and thighs. While I was playing, I heard someone entered our gate. I didn’t bother to look at it since I already knew that it was my friends. Jay, Raf, Chok, Cj and Aldrin entered the terrace. Sarah and Cee were still on their way here. “Hey, did you bring alcohol?” I asked while looking at Jay. “Yes, it’s on the table downstairs. I brought two whiskeys with coke,” Jay answered me. My game ended well and it was a victory. I approached Chok and put my arm around him. I haven’t seen him in a long time, “BFF, I heard that you will drink later?” “In your dreams, BFF! I will never drink alcohol,” he defended immediately so I laughed. “There is also food downstairs.” “It’s fun to drink when it’s free,” Aldrin said. “All right, there’s ice in the refrigerator. We’ll start later when Cee and Sarah arriv,” I said. Someone suddenly chatted with me, it was my crush when I was in eleventh grade and he was my partner in prom last year. “Hey, someone wants to play with us. Five versus five, do you want to play?” I asked them after reading what he chatted with me. “Oh sure! Invite us, Blair,” Cj answered. They are already connected to our internet and I know that it will slow down so I just used my mobile data since I always have a load. Cj, Chok, Raf, Jay and me will play the other five. Aldrin doesn’t want to play because he wants to chat with his girlfriend. When we’re already completed, we started picking our heroes. “Who's the hero you will use, Chok?” Raf asked my BFF. “I will be the marksman!” I shouted. They already picked their own heroes and after that, they asked me questions about the other team. “Blair, how old are our opponents?” “My former crush said that these are his cousins. Maybe they are just a little older than us.” “Fertilize first, Blair while you Cj will invade to the other side. Then you will take the top, Chok. Ras is in the middle. I will be on the bottom,” Jay ordered us. He’s so serious as if this game has a bet. When the game started, we obeyed Jay’s command to us. After two minutes, the fight is heating up. “Hey, help me up here! I don’t want to be the first blood!” Cj shouted to us. “Don’t you want that, you’re not a virgin anymore.” Aldrin teased him even though he was not in the game. “Stupid, what am I? A girl?” We laughed because of them and Cj got killed so he was the first blood. “Blair, here.” I just followed the tank and when I had a build, I started to push and destroy the tore. “Push first and later we’ll have a clash when the item is ready,” I said. When I broke the middle tore, they started the clash. “Blair, back out!” “Stupid, use your third skill.” “Set, Jay!” After the set of Jay along with the third skill of Cj’s hero, Raf also went for his third skill and followed by Chok’s third skill and he was able to kill our opponent. “Nice one!” I said at the same time, pushing to destroy the tores. After twenty minutes, the game ended and we won. Just in time when Sarah and Cee arrived. I chatted with my ex-crush saying ‘Good game’ before inviting my friends to have a drink downstairs. “Let’s start” We went down and arranged all the necessities. They started to mix the whiskey with the coke and I got the shot glass. The speaker has also been adjusted so that we can party here at home. This is how we always drink. It was already eleven in the evening when we started drinking. “Okay, I will handle the shots!” I immediately took the whiskey. We have the right first policy and Sarah was on my right so she will be going to take the first shot. “I still have a hangover with the alcohol earlier than now, I am drinking again. I will fall to sleep immediately later,” I said. “How many did you drink earlier?” Raf asked me so we will have a topic to talk about. “We had six towers in the Loft.” “The mix of alcohol there was so delicious but it cost too much,” Cee added. “It doesn’t cost too much though, let’s have a drink there sometimes,” I offered but the others shook their heads. “Don’t bother, it's cheaper when drinking at home,” Aldrin laughed when he said that. “Not when my parents caught us here, drinking,” I joked. Jay and Aldrin started pulling out their cigarettes. I opened the exos fan to let out the smoke of their cigarettes. The shot just went around, we talked a lot as we played the music together. When the first whiskey was already done, I felt dizzy because of what I drank earlier. “Whiskey makes me feel like I’m going to vomit in no time!” Sarah complained. “You should just bought a Mojito.” I said, sitting down at the table, “Clean up later here at home, okay?” “Blair, you’re already drunk?” Cj teased me. I glared at him, “Well, I drank a lot earlier and we still have class tomorrow.” “We also have class later and we need to go home by five in the morning. I will just sleep in the classroom tomorrow.” We are now drinking the second piece of whiskey with coke. It’s already midnight and I was a little drowsy and also due to drunkenness but I still kept myself from falling asleep. We are still having fun. “Do you guys still remember when the woman fell to the floor? My twin was really something…” “Those idiots, he just wants to destroy those who became his girlfriends. It’s good that I’m sober,” Aldrin said, bragging. “Hey, you’re not sure! I already knew something about you before--” I couldn’t continue to say what I was going to say when Aldrin covered my mouth to stop me. I laughed because of that. “Blair is already drunk. Let’s clean this up so we can take a nap,” Cee said. Sarah fell on the sofa. Suddenly I remembered, “Hey BFF! Come here!” I called Chok and motioned for him to come to me. “You’re dead.” Raf threatened Chok but I stared at him. I poured into the shot glass of whiskey and also put the coke in another glass. “Just one shot, please?” I craved Chok. At first he still disliked it. “I don’t want to die yet, BFF.” I stared at him because of what he said. “It's just one shot,” I told him, looking so cute that he couldn’t resist me. He couldn’t do anything so he just took the shot and drank it immediately. We laughed because of his face when the whiskey drew in his throat. “Poor Chok, just have coffee later!” “Damn, I don’t really like the taste of the alcohol.” My eyes are blurred now because I am no longer wearing my glasses. I also sat down at the table. I want to sleep but they still make noise. Eventually, I felt someone lift me up. I just closed my eyes, but my mind is still awake. “Hey Cee, go and take Sarah to the other room. I’ll just lay Blair down on the sofa.” It was Jay’s voice and he was the one who carried me. I suddenly cried when I remembered what happened earlier. I sat on the sofa and they were surprised when I cried. “Did you know earlier… Mom and I fought again. It was so annoying! I always get angry when she’s tired. I’m turning 18 but I’m still treated like this.” I continued to cry and Chok comforted me by patting my back. “Don’t get stressed too much, Blair. You’re about to graduate soon. Just a little more patience,” said Raf to me. They knew my situation with my parents. I felt drowsy so I pulled who was next to me. I can’t sleep without hugging something or someone. ** "Raf, turn off the light up there." I was startled to hear Jay's voice next to me. I hugged him and when I woke up it was dark all over the house. "What time is it?" I asked. "It's only three in the morning, go to sleep. I have an alarm on my phone so we wouldn't be late for school," Jay whispered to me. He plays with my hair and rubs my head lightly, it makes me feel more dizzy. I still have a headache due to alcohol and lack of sleep. I could have fallen asleep when suddenly I felt a soft thing in my lips. I can't move or react because of that. Omg! Did he just kiss me?!
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