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The time flew by so fast and I did not realize that it was already our final exams for the first semester. My life has been very quiet for the past months and I wasn’t involved in any kind of issues in school. But at home? What's new, my mother makes my life a hell every day. She’s not stopping as long as I came home from school, it was always like that. It's annoying but I just put up with it because I also have no rights to fight her. I will still be swallowed up here at home because I don’t have anything to be proven yet. I scrolled through my twitter because I was too lazy to review my notes for the upcoming exams. I want the exam to end immediately because after that we will have our Sports Week! That will be my last game in our school because I am graduating. I have been a student-athlete and a volleyball varsity ever since high school. Since I don’t have anyone to talk to right now, I tweeted 'Fave for a DM'. I am kind of famous here on social media. @blair_diaz 568 Following 2, 304 Followers Mostly the only people I follow here are my acquaintances at school and lower year levels. There were five who immediately liked my tweet so I DMed them one by one. It’s a direct message. I noticed that all of them are from a lower year level than me but I stalked one guy because I saw that he’s good looking. He’s from the tenth grade and has the same school as mine. A basketball varsity and he is also quite handsome and he is one of the great players in our school. @Nygeeeel: How is the life of graduating in senior high school? @blair_diaz: It’s fine, though we were just in our first semester. But for sure, it will be more stressful in the next semester. @Nygeeeel: Good luck to you, big sis! You will graduate soon. @blair_diaz: Hey! Don’t call me big sis! What are you, my brother? @Nygeeeel: Oh, I’m sorry. Okay I will just call you by your name, then. I had fun talking to him. Of the five people that I have talked to earlier, I only got entertained by him. I also did not reply to others anymore because we ran out of topics. “Hey girl, did you review your notes?” Alliah asked. I immediately put my hand on my forehead, “Damn, it seems so useless reviewing last night. I think I have forgotten about the formulas right now,” I answered irritably. “I hope all of you reviewed your notes, I will get answers to you later.” We glanced at Lei and stared at her. She is still humble even though she knows that she’s smart and for sure she did review her notes last night. “Whatever, you will be the one who will give us answers later!” Candie shouted. It was already automatic, we will copy Lei’s answer later when we forget something. It is also normal to copy nowadays, besides we’re still students who badly want to graduate and finish studies. “I will give you five minutes to review your notes one last time. Timer starts now.” Our professor said then we immediately hurried and opened our notebooks. I just memorized the formulas for the computation later and made sure I would never forget it. Just one error of the formula, the whole computation is considered wrong. Especially when your answer is not balanced. f**k, accountancy! I love business subjects that’s why I chose to take Accountancy and Business Management courses in senior high school but it includes accountancy so I must face that damn subject. I was already overwhelmed by the problems given even though this is just a quiz and not yet an examination. I have prepared two sheets to write my answers. Good thing, I remembered something that our professor taught us last week. I felt something stick to me from behind. I turned to our professor in front of me and saw that she was just reading the book that she was holding. Candie kicked me softly again to make me look at her, “Hey, give me answers,” she whispered. It was like the sound of an animal that is begging for help. I turned to her and motioned to wait for a moment. I turned to Lei to my right and she looked at me. I motioned for her to give me answers for the second problem. She was holding a scratch paper, she first looked at our professor before secretly handing me the paper where she solved the answers that she got. I quickly copied it and then passed it behind me to Candie then after her, she passed it to Alliah. Thank goodness that it was just only five problems but it took me two hours before I finished mine because it was really difficult to balance the answers! We are already taking accounting two because when we were in eleventh grade, we took accounting one. Last year, I only had 76 grades in accounting one and then all of my grades in other subjects were 88 and above. “I cried a while ago, damn! I can’t balance the answer that I got. Damn that, accounting!” Alliah complained immediately after our quiz. “It’s a good thing Lei was there to give us an answer. Even though I had a hard time, I only balanced numbers one, four and five." “I hope it’s right, sis. Even though we balanced our answers, it doesn’t mean that our computation is correct,” Lei reminded. In Mathematics before, as long as there was a solution even if the answer was wrong, there will be a point or score. But now, when there is something wrong with your solution no matter how small it is, it will be marked as wrong. When I got home, it was a good thing I didn't reach my Mom at home. We didn’t cross paths when I went to our bar from school, Mom was at home and then when I was going home, Mom left the house. It is also a good thing that we didn’t meet to lessen the conflict between us. I was on my phone again, lazy to review as always so I just scrolled on my twitter account. Nygel and I ended our conversation last night. I tweeted a game again like fave for a DM, and he was the first to like it as if he was waiting for my tweets. I got excited so I immediately deleted my tweet when I messaged Nygel. So that I won’t have to talk to anyone else and just Nygel only. @blair_diaz: Hey how is school today? @Nygeeeel: It's fine, tired of the training. How about you? @blair_diaz: Damn, the quiz earlier was so hard and I even thought that it was already our examination. My brain almost exploded HAHAHAHA joke, I remembered that I cheated. @Nygeeeel: Silly HAHAHA I didn’t see you today. I was shocked because of what he said. @blair_diaz: Why? Are you looking for me earlier? Do you even know me personally or my face in person, huh? @Nygeeeel: Of course, you’re famous. @blair_diaz: Famous because of being a war freak in school? HAHAHA @Nygeeeel: No, you’re famous because you’re beautiful. I rolled my eyes because of what he said. When did I become beautiful? It looks like I'm Betty La Fea because I have braces and then nerd eyeglasses. Well, I have contact lenses just in case because my astigmatism is high, they say I am not allowed with colored contact lenses. But I was too lazy to put it on so I still use my eyeglasses. I also only use lip tint for my lips and powder on my face. @blair_diaz: Don’t joke on me, please. I am not beautiful with this face! We just kept teasing each other and talking until he said good bye and went to sleep. It's already ten in the evening and their class starts at seven in the morning tomorrow. I also agreed because I have to review. I just read my notes and made a reviewer. The next day, I didn’t have time to eat my breakfast because I was going to be late. The quiz will be in the afternoon again because the exam is near so it is getting closer. We were leaving and I saw on the court that varsity basketball and volleyball were training. I immediately became jealous of volleyball players because I was no longer involved. I resigned this year because I am graduating. It is difficult to include training and studies in my schedule. "Come on! Let's go on the court and watch some handsome and yummy players," Alliah said softly. Lei went home first with Vincent. As Candie and Alliah and I went down to the side of the court, my eyes immediately searched for Nygel. I saw him on the side doing some push ups. "Girl, Rafael is really handsome! I wish he will be mine,” Candie said with a flirting tone. "Raf!" I called Raf, because he was resting. Candie simply pinched my side because she knew right away that I had plans. Raf approached us immediately and was still running, "Yo Blair, do you miss me?" He messed up my hair. "My friend was saying something earlier. She’s hoping that you will be hers." Alliah and I immediately laughed when we saw that Candie was blushing with shame and could not look at Raf. "H-hey! That’s not true! You're a scam!" she denied. "Okay, what's your name?" Raf asked. I laughed even more, "Candie Medel boy, that's yours now!" I shouted, teasing them more. Their coach called Raf to return to their training then Candie immediately stared at me. "You stupid! I'll do my revenge on you!” "Oh really? Don't you want to? I already introduced you, he’ll chat with you later." "Really??" She said excitedly. I just ignored her and would have looked for Nygel again when I was surprised that there was a man in front of me. "Hi Blair! This shot is for you." Nygel bowed to shoot the ball at three points, and after he released the ball… BOOM! SHOOT! He looked at me and smiled after that. My two friends immediately kicked me. "Hello, Nygel! You're great." I praised him then I laughed. I'm ashamed! There are still quite a few people who have heard and seen what Nygel did because there are others that were watching the training today. Nygel approached us and when he was in front of me, he held out his right hand to me. "Nice to meet you in person." He smiled at me. The two next to me are very excited, what are they probably thinking! We are just friends. Well, they didn't know that Nygel and I were talking on twitter. I accepted his hand and shook it. "Nice talking to you in person, Nygel." I laughed again, I already know him personally because he is a varsity player but now I can talk to him in person, "Are you still not finished in your training? Be careful!" I said goodbye already because I am ashamed. He nodded and I pulled Alliah and Candie away. "Hey girl, you’re not sharing something to us! Who is he? Are you guys flirting to each other?" Alliah's teasing me. "Stupid, no! I only talked to him the other day on twitter because he liked my tweets." "Are you sure? Then why is he being sweet to you earlier? He even told you that the shot earlier was for you! Oh my gosh!" Candie added. "Lower year level is not my type . Also, I haven't even had a boyfriend yet.” "What if he's your first boyfriend!" I just ignored them and got home. I messaged Nygel after I took a shower. It's already eight in the evening so for sure he also came home earlier from training. @blair_diaz: I was shocked by you earlier, I didn't expect that! HAHAHA. He was able to reply to me quickly. I smiled while reading his reply. @Nygeeeel: I just saw you and thought that you were Blair. I even laughed when you teased one of your friends with Raf. @blair_diaz: Oh, so you saw that? HAHAHA eventually she teased me too because of what you did. @Nygeeeel: Sorry, next time I won't startle you. You will get used to it because we will also be close in person. Nygel's words came true, every break time we meet in the canteen suddenly because we have the same vacant time together. Exam week will start now. This time, we chatted on messenger to make it easier to communicate with each other. Blair Diaz: Good luck with your exams tomorrow, Nygel! Nygel Garcia: You too. Do well in your exams since it will be your final exams this semester. I'm excited after the exam because after this week, it's Sports Week! ** "Sadly, if we were not just the first batch of OJT, we would have also joined the cheer dance." Alliah complained. It is the first day of Sports Week. We as a grade twelve students wore a gold shirt that symbolizes the Phoenix. "Yeah, luckily for those who participated but I will just focus on the game later," I said. I have also participated in dance competitions here at school since high school so it would be okay if I did not participate this year. "Is Nygel part of the cheer dance?" We immediately looked at those dancers who were warming up. The opening program ended earlier and the first program was a cheer dance competition. I saw that Nygel was there. "Yes, he mentioned it to me. They won last year," I answered. They teased me immediately. "Blair has been updated! Take a picture of him later! We'll take care of it." "Good morning, students and parents! Today, I would like to welcome all of you for this event. I hope you will enjoy watching our dear students perform later." That was the host’s introduction. Grade 12 will perform first and grade 10 will be third, they are Nygel’s year level. Dixie is also involved and they will be the next to perform after grade 12, Dixie was just grade 8. "Wait, buy me some water first, save my place!" I told them. They nodded and I went to the canteen. I saw that there were other grade 10 members of cheer dance. My eyes searched for Nygel to say good luck to him. I forgot to chat with him earlier. I saw him quickly, I was still embarrassed to approach him at first but when he turned to me I motioned for him to come. "Good luck later! You look fine and I will video you later," I said. He smiled at me and nodded. "Thank you, let's take a picture later?" "All right! After you dance, just come to me later, I’ll buy first." I said goodbye and went straight to the canteen to buy. "GO BLUE WOLVES !! GO! GO! GO!" Loud cheers of supporters for Nygel’s year. Their stunts are great and nothing wrong can be seen. "I feel like they will win again," I whispered to Candie. "Yes, indeed! The great choreographer is the one who teaches them," Candie answered me. "Then you're ready to go with me to take a picture with Nygel." Alliah immediately pulled me away and followed the dancers who exited. Nygel is still having fun with his companions. I'm embarrassed to come near him because a lot of people are surrounding us. "Nygel! We will take a picture of you with Blair!" Alliah shouted. She’s really very shameless. I just went to the side to take a picture there. Nygel approached me and we took a picture together. I was even doing a wacky pose with Alliah's fifth shot. "Why don’t you put your arms around her, Nygel?" My eyes immediately widened at Alliah's request. Ugh, this b***h! But I was even more surprised because Nygel put his arms on my shoulders. I just smiled so as not to look stupid in the picture. Good thing I have contact lenses and not eyeglasses so that my face in the picture will be a little better! There are still students watching us, what’s new? One of the great basketball players was beside me! "Congrats! You guys will win for sure," I said to Nygel. He laughed, "I hope so," he said. I said goodbye so that we would return to our seats. "You're really stupid! It's embarrassing." I complained to Alliah who just laughed next to me. "Duh! Stop pretending because I know you felt butterflies in your body earlier!” I looked at our pictures, we are both cute! Fortunately, he is a little taller than me, it is not obvious that he is younger than me. I just smiled while editing our picture that he was hugging me. I am now thinking that I have a crush on Nygel!
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