Chapter 4-1

815 Words

Chapter 4 Celia was by the fire making dinner when James returned to her hut. The sun was low on the horizon, spreading long shadows over the village. The air was turning chilly. “Something smells good,” he said, pushing through the animal hide that hung over the doorway. “Look at you!” she said, beaming. “You look like one of the natives now. At least you will when your hair grows a bit and the sun takes care of that Arctic glow your skin has.” Despite his confused emotional state, James laughed. “Aw, don’t worry. You’ll soon tan up.” Celia offered him a bowl of broth. “I’m sorry there’s no bread to go with it. I’ll bake some tomorrow. I’ll make an extra loaf for you and you can take it with you.” James took a seat next to Celia and blew on a steaming spoonful of soup. “Take it with

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