2579 Words

CHAPTER 36Eva “Hey, Bae!” I hear Fred call from outside the door. “Leave me alone, Fred” I’m so embarrassed. My period normally hurts like b***h, but why didn’t I feel any pain this time? “You don’t have to be shy, I’m your husband” he said. Ugh! Gosh, he making it worse. “Do you need me to get you anything from your room?” Well, since he wants to make himself useful, I might as well actually use him. “Yeah, c-can you Please go get a pack of pads from my drawer?” “Ok, but which of the drawers exactly?” “The one on my dressing table” I reply. “Ok, gimme a sec!” Then she hear his footsteps fading away. Immediately he left, a pain suddenly strike me on my stomach. I groan loudly and wrap my arms around my stomach as I squat down. So the pain finally decides to show up, why did

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