The Queen Of Gods

The Queen Of Gods


 Searching for gods isn't easy, especially when they don't want to be found.Hathor soon discovers that finding the other gods isn't her biggest problem. She also has to convince them to help her. Between verbal sparring with Horus, the frustrating indifference of Atum, and Khonsu's mysterious hiding place, she has her work cut out. But none of that compares to the complications that arise from her budding relationship with Amun...especially when even she can't tell whose side he's on...- The Queen Of Gods Collection includes Quest Of The Goddess, Trust Of The Goddess, and Heart Of The Goddess. It is a fantasy romance full of adventure and Egyptian mythology. It is Hathor & Amun's complete story. 


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Gods & Goddesses List
Gods & Goddesses List This god list is a simplified version compared to mythology. Due to the span of Ancient Egyptian history, many gods and goddesses took on multiple roles over the span of time (as demonstrated in The Queen Of Gods Trilogy by Hathor's multitude of aspects). Some of the information below is specific to the Forgotten Gods universe. The list is not exhaustive, and only includes gods/goddesses who have appeared in the universe. Please see the author notes at the end of each book for more information. The family links the Ancient Egyptians formed between their gods weren't meant to represent blood family, but aspect ties. This is why many of the gods and goddesses are consorts with their siblings. In the context of the Forgotten Gods Universe, none of the gods are related to one another by blood, but many choose to create family bonds. Asterisks denote main characters/love interests within the Forgotten Gods Universe books. Abu* - a minor god of light. In the Forgotten Gods Universe: he serves under Ra. He is the love interest in Servant Of Chaos. Ammit* - a demon and goddess who devours the hearts of those not worthy to enter the afterlife. She is the main character in Devourer Of Hearts. Amun* – a major creation god and deity of Thebes (former capital of Egypt). Often combined with Ra to become Amun-Ra (they are two separate people in this series). He is the love interest in The Queen Of Gods Series. Anat - a Semitic warrior goddess who was absorbed into the Ancient Egyptian religion during the 18th Dynasty (a common practice for new settlers, newly colonised people or invaders). Often associated (and sometimes conflated) with Astarte. In the Forgotten Gods Universe, they are sisters. Anubis - god of mummification Astarte* - a Semitic warrior goddess who was absorbed into the Ancient Egyptian religion during the 18th Dynasty (a common practice for new settlers, newly colonised people or invaders). Often associated (and sometimes conflated) with Anat. In the Forgotten Gods Universe, they are sisters. Atum – god of pre-existence and post existence. One of the first Egyptian gods. A member of the Ennead. Dedun - a god protector of resources Edrice* - a fictional High Priestess of Ma’at. She is the main character in Priestess Of Truth (short story) and Acolyte Of Truth. Fetket* - a lesser god who served as Ra's butler. In the Forgotten Gods Universe: his position as Ra's butler is historic and he is the romantic interest for Sekhmet. He is the love interest in Daughter Of The Sun. Geb* - one of the first gods, god of the Earth. A member of the Ennead. He is the love interest in Mistress Of Sky And Stars. Hathor* – a cow headed goddess who has represented many things over the Egyptian dynasty. Including but not limited to: beauty, love, sexuality, dance, joy, motherhood, queenship and sky. She is the main character in The Queen Of Gods Series. Horus - a falcon headed solar god who embodies the Pharaoh. Horus the Elder - one of the oldest gods born of the union between Nut and Geb. He is a sky & sun deity. Sometimes a member of the Ennead. He is never shown on-page in the Forgotten Gods Universe to avoid confusion with Horus. Isis* - goddess and divine mother of the Pharaoh. A member of the Ennead. She is the main character in Queen Of The Two Lands. Khnum - a god of fertility Khonsu – god of the moon. Maahes* - a god of war. Ma'at* - goddess of truth and justice, among other things. Mafdet - a god of justice Menefer* - a fictional High Priest of Maahes. He is the love interest in Priestess Of Truth (short story) and Acolyte Of Truth. Min - a god of reproduction, love, and s****l pleasure Nephthys* - goddess of many things, including childbirth, mourning, service (at temples), the dead, protection, healing, and more. A member of the Ennead. She will be the main character in Empress Of The Dark. Nun - the representation of the waters of chaos from which the world came into being. Nut* - one of the first gods, goddess of the sky. A member of the Ennead. She is the main character in Mistress Of Sky And Stars. Osiris* - god of the afterlife. A member of the Ennead. He is the love interest in Queen Of The Two Lands. Ptah - a creator god, as well as the patron deity of sculptors, builders, and other artisans. Qetesh - a goddess of love, beauty, and s*x. Originally from Canaan, she was adopted into the Egyptian religion. Ra – the hawk headed god of the sun. Rhodopis* - the mythical figure from a legend similar to that of Cinderella. She is the main character in Servant Of Chaos. Sed* - a minor god related to the Sed-Festival which celebrated the Pharaoh. He is the love interest in Protectors Of Poison. Sekhmet* - a goddess of war, healing, and pestilence. She is the main character in Daughter Of The Sun. Serket* - goddess of healing and poisonous creatures. She is the main character in Protectors Of Poison. Seth - the god of chaos. The main antagonist in the Forgotten Gods universe. A member of the Ennead. Shu - one of the first gods, god of the air, and the supporter of the sky. A member of the Ennead. Sobek* - a crocodile god linked to the chaos of the river Nile. His job was to protect the Pharaoh, though sometimes he was seen as the god who fixed evil once it had already appeared. He will be the love interest in Bringer Of The Nile Waters. Taweret* - a hippopotamus-formed goddess and deity of various things, including fertility and protection. She will be the main character in Bringer Of The Nile Waters. Tefnut - goddess of moisture, also associated with the moon & sun. A member of the Ennead. Thoth* - god of writing, magic, and wisdom. Wadjet* - the snake protector goddess of Lower Egypt. Her story will be fictionalised in the Forgotten Gods Series. Gods/goddesses and their relationships towards one another may be different from mythology in this universe. Other DefinitionsAck - the ack is part of what makes up the Ancient Egyptian soul. It is the ack which returns to Earth after the person dies. Ankh - an Ancient Egyptian symbol of life. Ba - the ba is part of what makes up the Ancient Egyptian soul. It represents the personality of the person. Duat - the Afterlife Ennead - a group of nine. Most commonly used to refer to nine of the first gods - Atum, Tefnut, Shu, Nut, Geb, Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Nephthys. The Ennead sometimes includes Horus the Elder. Senet - a game similar to chess which was played by Ancient Egyptians. The aim of the game is to get the pawns to the Afterlife. Waset - the Ancient Egyptian name for the capital of the Middle and New Kingdoms. Otherwise known as Thebes (now part of the city of Luxor) Quest Of The Goddess The Queen Of Gods #1 Laura Greenwood

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