Chapter 33

1372 Words

Unknown's POV I take a deep breath and try to focus. Clearing my mind, I envision what my heart truly desires and forget everything else. The blank space in my mind suddenly morphs into a single golden orb floating just out of my reach. I feel a smile spread across my face as I look at what would soon be mine. Suddenly, the orb shatters and in its place, three gem stones lay on a stone base, perfectly moulded on a marble stand. The stones shine bright in a triangular formation in all their glory. Lifting a hand, I try to grasp at the stone moulding but my hands just falls through the image like it's an optical illusion. My frustration builds as I try to see the location of the marble stand. A pitch black abyss surrounds the marble stand and I growl out loud in anger. The image suddenly

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