Chapter 36 : Lock And Key

1026 Words

In front of Raven was a long hinge, locked with more than a dozen golden locks. If it was someone proficient in breaking locks, this would have been a piece of cake for them. But for someone like Raven who was a good kid growing up, breaking a lock was not as easy. But this was such a good chance. Raven looked around. There was not a single soul around. No one knew that Raven was here. Who knew what would happen tomorrow? What if tomorrow the academy decided to add a few guards to the door? What if Raven didn't have another chance to come here? Raven gulped. She was temped to take a risk and go inside. Morgan had told her not to rush, but how couldn't she? On the other side of this door could be her father's information. There were so many things that Raven was curious about. In th

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