Chapter 85 : Broken mental state

1165 Words

Raven's face gradually turned a strange red color as she stood there engaged in her own thoughts. By now not only Ace but the other boys in his dorm also noticed Raven's weird behaviour. Casper whispered to them, "I think her mental state has broken." No one answered. They kept staring at Raven, not daring to interrupt her line of thoughts. Raven realised it a little too late that she had raised a lot of questions in their hearts. When she snapped out of it, thinking it was not the time to think if her crush was valid or not, Ace had been holding the door for a few long minutes. Ace smiled when he saw her looking at him, with one hand holding the door, he swept the other palm towards the room, a gesture for her to enter. Raven saw the others inside and felt a flush of embarrassme

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